Also DIANE HOBBS -- Artist
Oil paintings by Diane Hobbs including The Violence Toward Women Series; The Cross Series; and The Floral Series, mainly water lilies,
are available from ColDoc Publishing
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Why Islam is a Cult
Ike on Communism (Islam)
French Problems - Are They World Problems?
You must accept my religion! – The World According to Muhammad
Islam - A Primer
The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam - the outstanding article by Citizen Warrior
Wrong Enemy, Wrong Goal, Wrong Tactics, Wrong Strategy
Enough is Enough - America is Tired of Muslim Intolerance
Why Islam is a Cult
by Richard Hobbs © 2014
A recent article on cults identified the 15 separate traits that the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) identifies as common among cults. According to Michael D. Langone, Ph.D., concerted efforts at influence and control
lie at the core of cultic groups, programs, and relationships. Many members and supporters of cults are not fully aware of the extent to which members may have been manipulated, exploited, even abused – should we say brainwashed.
The list of social-structural, social-psychological, and interpersonal behavioral patterns commonly found in cultic environments may be helpful in assessing a particular group to help determine if it is in fact a cult. Langone states that
this list is not a definitive checklist but is an analytical tool to determine if a specific group is a cult.
Studying the 15 traits is informative when considering Islam.
1. The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
This quite accurately describes Islam which is a totalitarian ideology with a façade of religion. Its leader, Muhammad who is probably a myth, is proclaimed to be the perfect man whose example every Muslim should follow. Everything he supposedly did or expounded is considered perfect and cannot be challenged or changed upon threat of death. This idolatry, which Islam professes to decry, is exhibited in the total obeisance and repeated use of the expression “Peace Be Upon Him” – PBUH every time his name is even mentioned. Sharia, Islamic law, is derived from the Qur’an and the actions and sayings of Muhammad (the hadiths).
The supremacy (or arrogance) of the concept of Muhammad is that he is supposedly the last prophet – there can be no more prophets (this was in the sixth century in a very backward part of the world), and the extreme arrogance of the claimed statement by Muhammad, “Every prophet was sent to his nation but only I have been sent to all mankind.”
Islam is the Arabic word meaning submission (to Muhammad’s “god” – Allah) and is derived from a word meaning peace. Muslims are those who have submitted. For Westerners, the clearest expression of that submission is the bowing down with the head on the ground in daily prayers. Total submission to Allah (or Muhammad) results in fatalism resulting in not taking responsibility for one’s actions. Muslims regularly rationalize their actions, or inactions, or events as InshAllah(also In Sha’ Allah) – “Allah’s will.” The Qur’an is purported to be the exact word of Allah as transmitted to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Therefore, it is not open for discussion, analysis, or critique, even though it contains grammatical and historical errors, is completely illogical in that surahs (chapters) are arranged based on length, not chronological context, there are parts which no one understands, and there are many contradictions. It was written in the poetic style of the desert, which is not translatable, and the Bedouins had little concern for time such as placing Moses and Jesus together in time. Islam is a totalitarian ideology covering every aspect of life, is considered perfect, and calls for its imposition on everyone in the world whether they want it or not.
2. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
It is a crime to criticize, doubt, or disagree with Islam. This is blasphemyand the sentence is death. It is a crime and a sin to leave Islam. A Muslim who rejects Islam is an “apostate” and the punishment for apostasy is death (and eternal damnation in hell thereafter). Under sharia, it is forbidden for anyone to try to convert a Muslim to another religion. When Islam is defamed in any way, Muslims should violently defend it. Even in a cartoon! But Muslims can and should defame Jews and Christians in Muslim newspapers, the internet, and television, and they should defame any infidel or enemy, as they defame the US today.
3. Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
There are five “pillars” of Islam: profession of faith, prayer, fasting during Ramadan, religious tax, and the hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). [Jihad was almost a sixth pillar.] Every Muslim must pray five times a day. This repetition helps dominate a Muslim’s life, infusing his daily routine with Islam. It would be impossible to forget anything you deliberately do so often. Five times a day, every day, a Muslim must bow down and pray to Allah. The more effort a person expends for a cause, the more he is likely to believe and value it. This also helps make believers out of people who became Muslims through coercion.
4. The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (for example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).
Islam is a totalitarian ideology. Every imaginable aspect of life is dictated by Islam from how to go to the bathroom, to all aspects of personal hygiene, how to place the feet to pray properly, what can and cannot be done including photography, television, drinking, eating pork, charging interest, gambling, playing stringed instruments, depicting animate life, the clothes to wear, and what women are permitted to do, what their testimony is worth, what they can inherit, how they can get to paradise, and that they can be beaten (or killed).
5. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).
Muslims consider all non-Muslims useless and see their goal to make the whole world Muslim. Everything before Islam is jahiliyya or ignorance, of no value and should be destroyed, such as the Bamiyan Buddhas.
We have already noted how special Muhammad is where everything he said or did is gospel. Muslims are permitted four wives, but Muhammad was “permitted” unlimited wives and he was permitted to marry Zeinab, the wife of his adopted son (both revelations from the Qur’an).
Non-Muslims must pay a large tax. Once Muslims conquer a country and convert the government to Islamic law, non-Muslims have the choice to convert or die. However, Christians, Jews, and some Zoroastrians have the choice between becoming Muslim or becoming a dhimmi. Dhimmis are allowed to practice their non-Muslim religion if they pay the jizya (a tax). If they convert to Islam, they no longer have to pay a tax, so there is a practical incentive to convert. This was a brilliant idea in the early days of Islam. The tax took money away from the non-Muslims and their competing systems and gave that money to support Islam. The income from those taxes (usually a 25% income tax) helped fund the Islamic conquests during the first two major jihads. This third class citizens/slaves status under Islam is called Dhimmitude.
Several ideas within Sharia law extend this effect. For example, non-Muslims are not allowed to build any new houses of worship. They're not even allowed to repair already-existing churches or synagogues. This puts the houses of worship of any competing religion or ideology in a state of permanent decline. Also, non-Islamic prayers cannot be spoken within earshot of a Muslim — again, preventing Muslims from being infected by a competing religion. No public displays of any symbols of another faith may be shown either. All of this prevents the spread of any competing religion or ideology, and makes them die out over time. That's why today there are so many "Muslim countries." Most of the Muslim countries are now at or near 100% Muslim. Almost all other countries in the world are made up of many different religions. Also, non-Muslims are not allowed to own weapons of any kind.
The Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia have been and still are pouring money into building mosquesall over the free world, including extensive construction in the US. But in Saudi Arabia, no non-Muslim religious structures are allowed to be built. Muslims all over the world protest loudly and violently when anyone in Europe or America resists the building of more mosques in their countries. Islamic supremacists don't see the irony in it. They don't feel strange having such an obvious double standard. They are, after all, Allah's followers and everyone else is deluded. Fairness and equality with such unworthy infidels would seem very out of place. A double standard seems completely appropriate from that perspective.
The double standardprinciple is a key part of Islam, and it has been a great advantage in the spread of Islam (and the suppression of competing religions or ideologies). Muslims demand concessions and accommodations but they refuse any reciprocity. They demand respect but show no respect to non-Muslims. Their arrogant intolerance stands them against the rest of the world. It is forbidden to kill a Muslim (except for a just cause). It is not forbidden to kill an infidel. This causes a bond between Muslims, fear in non-Muslims, and motivation to become Muslim.
6. The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
Islam is dualistic: humanity is divided into believers (that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah) and kafirs(all non-Muslims or unbelievers). A kafir is hated, ignorant, evil, a liar, disgraced, unclean, cursed, a partner of Satan, and can be beheaded, enslaved, raped, mocked, confused, terrorized, deceived, annihilated, robbed, killed, crucified, plotted against, made war on and humiliated, and a Muslim cannot be his friend. [Each of these is from Islamic texts.]
Islam divides the world, which belongs to Allah, into the Dar al-Islam (land of submission) and the Dar al-Harb(land of war). That is that Islamic lands are good and the rest of the world should be subjugated. It is the duty of the faithful to gain control of any parts of the world that are not following Islamic law and establish sharia. It is a sin to let it be.
Islam must always be defended. This idea is a primary linchpin that gives justification for war with almost anybody. After the enemy is defeated, of course, Muslims are required to establish an Islamic state. Islamic writings teach the use of pretext to start wars. The use of pretext tends to make the West defenseless against the Islamic invasion now underway. Muslim terrorists are not naïve people. They are smart, educated, well-funded, and being used by a very clever ideology.
7. The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).
Muhammad was supposedly the perfect man, answerable only to Allah if anyone, but Allah seems to be an invention of Muhammad or whoever invented Muhammad. There is no central authority in Islam. Thus various imams, mullahs, ayatollahs, sheikhs, and other leaders often add their own interpretations to theocratic and political questions. Al Azhar University in Cairo is regarded as a top center of Sunni Islam and the supreme leader or ayatollah in Iran tries to represent Shiites, but there are still other groups: Alawites, Ismailis, Sufis, Druze, Deobandis, etc.
8. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members' participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
Islam has explicit double standards: one standard for Muslims and a different standard for non-Muslims, which always gives the advantage to Muslims and within a Muslim country, it provides incentives to convert. There is no right and wrong in Islam; there is NO GOLDEN RULE IN ISLAM. What advances Islam is good; what impedes the advance of Islam is bad. Islam must be free to spread around the world, but other religions cannot try to spread their religion.
The Qur'an counsels the use of deceit when dealing with infidels. According to one of the hadiths, Muhammad instructed one of his followers to lie if he had to. The principle was clear: If it helps Islam, it's okay to deceive non-Muslims. This is taqiyya. It has been used historically and is still used: Islamic leaders saying one thing in English for the Western press, and saying something entirely different in Arabic for their Muslim audience.
The Qur'an says, "War is deceit" and since Islam is at war with the non-Islamic world until the whole world follows sharia, all non-Muslims living in non-Islamic states are enemies. So deceiving Westerners is totally acceptable. It is encouraged if it can forward the goal of the spread of Islam.
One of the most embarrassing events of Islamic history, or mythology, is when Muhammad had up to 900 Jews of the Banu Qurayzah tribe in Medina beheaded before their wives and children for refusing to convert to Islam after the Battle of the Ditch. Beheading has been a hallmark of Islam as well as rape, torture, dismemberment, and castration. Professionals who have studied this behavior state that Islamist mutilation is a ritualistic crime, a deliberate desecration of the enemy, to alleviate shame and restore honor. For Islamists, honor is the male characteristic of courage and bravery while dishonor is a female characteristic signified by weakness and submissiveness. Shame comes from hypersensitivity to real or perceived humiliation. Thus compassion symbolizes weakness while brutality and violence symbolize strength and are viewed as heroic. Islamists can therefore commit crimes which otherwise would be considered atrocities by civilized nations and still be hailed as heroes by Islamists all over the world.
Giving money to charities which have later been shown in courts to be supporters of Hamas and HezbAllah has been widespread in the US Muslim community. Hamas was created in 1987 by the International Muslim Brotherhood and it ordered the Brotherhood chapters around the world to establish Palestine Committees. The trial of the Holy Land Foundation revealed that CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) had been created as part of the US Palestine Committee and CAIR and its founder Omar Awad were named as unindicted co-conspirators.
9. The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
The pressure to conform is intense starting with the affirmation that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger and then bowing down in complete submission five times a day in prayer. Not conforming brings great shame to a family, which is unacceptable in tribal societies. To criticize Islam is a death sentence and to in any way bring dishonor to a family is so critical that honor killing, mainly of women (mothers, daughters, sisters), is acceptable, even demanded. The psychological term for such behavior is brainwashing
10. Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
A Muslim is not supposed to be friends with non-Muslims. This extends to family if members are not Muslims. This in-gathering is seen in Jamaat ul Fuqra, Muslim terrorist training camps, communes of primarily black American-born Muslims. They have established more than 35 of these “Jamaats” in 22 states and Canada.
11. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
Under Islam, it is a holy requirement that the whole world should be brought under Islam. There can be no “peace” until everyone is a Muslim. [This is a bad joke since even if the Muslims could gain power, they would fight among themselves.] This dates from the Qur’an and has been repeated regularly over the centuries. Ibn Khaldun reiterated it in the 15th Century: “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the (Muslim) mission and the obligation to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force... Islam is under obligation to gain power over nations.” This is echoed in the writings of Sayyid Qutb and other Muslim writers and to the present with Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
12. The group is preoccupied with making money.
Money is the key and the power behind jihad and expansion. The success of Islam finally took off only after Muhammad’s raids on caravans and they gained wealth from non-Muslim sources from plunder. Muslim groups are not averse to using extortion, kidnappings, crime, and the drug business to finance their endeavors.
There was relative calm in Islamic action between the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the dissolution of the caliphate after World War I and the vast oil income that befell to the Arab states after World War II. The enormous flow of oil money allowed the Muslim states to export their ideology and move against non-Muslims.
13. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
The requirement to pray five times a day is time consuming and controlling. Muslims are also supposed to attend Friday prayers at the mosque (during which they are often fired up and incited to riot afterward as seen repeatedly in recent years). The mosques are usually also community centers for activities, jihadist training, and for training youth. The pilgrimage to Mecca, the hajj, is a onetime requirement for all Muslims who can make it.
14. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
A Muslim is forbidden to make friends with an infidel. A Muslim is allowed to pretend to be a friend, but in his heart he must never actually be a friend to a non-Muslim. Muslims in non-Muslim countries tend to stay together and form ghettos. The ghettos have become so closed in parts of Europe that they have become No-Go Zones into which firemen and police will not enter without escort. These closed communities impose sharia and crimes are not reported to the authorities. Non-Muslims are ordered to stay out.
15. The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.
Islam is a total ideology of submission to Allah (or Muhammad). Muslims are the only acceptable people. All others are kafirs, of no value. The reprisals are strong for even thinking against Islam, blasphemy, or daring to leave, apostasy. The penalty for both is death.
Islam seems to fit the ICSA criteria for a cult. Since Allah is deemed to be unknowable, Islam seems to better fit as the cult of Muhammad. Muslims refer to Allah, but they seem to have deified Muhammad. Everything is about Muhammad. One strong indication of this is that the Sacred Law is not the law of Allah but the Sacred Law of Muhammad. Throughout the Qur’an, it is “Allah and his Messenger,” but sometimes it is just the Messenger. In Reliance of the Traveller [‘Umdat al-Salik from the 14th Century], a Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law updated and certified by Al Azhar in 1991, it is stated it rather clearly. Allah sent Muhammad, “the Qurayshite unlettered prophet, to deliver His inspired message to the entire world, Arabs and non-Arabs, jinn and mankind, superseding and abrogating all previous religious systems with the Prophet’s Sacred Law, except for the provisions of them that the new revelation explicitly reconfirmed. Allah has favored him above all the other prophets and made him the highest of mankind, rejecting anyone’s attesting to the divine oneness by saying ‘There is no god but Allah,’ unless they also attest to the Prophet by saying ‘Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.’ He has obliged men and jinn to believe everything the Prophet has informed us concerning this world and the next, and does not accept anyone’s faith unless they believe in what he has told us will happen after death.”
The interesting aspect of the Cult of Muhammad is that he probably never existed. Muhammad was born two hundred years after his birth.That is the conclusion of Norbert Pressburg in his book What the Modern Martyr Should Know [a good companion work to Robert Spencer’s Did Muhammad Exist?] Pressburg establishes that there is no record of any Muhammad from the seventh century – all of it dates from the eighth and ninth centuries. Also the word “muhamad” is a gerund, meaning “the praised one” [often referring to Christ], and could not possibly be understood as a name. The birth of Islam took a long time. Christendom had split off from Judaism. At that time there were considerable differences in the Christian world over the real role of Jesus. The Arab Christians (Arabs were really the people of Greater Syria and Mesopotamia [Iraq] not the Bedouins of the desert of the Arabian Peninsula) had their own views of Christianity and eventually separated themselves from Greek Christianity. However, they needed their own holy book and prophet. Over hundreds of years, the Aramaic liturgical book, the Qeryan, a Christian book, was transformed into the Islamic Qur’an when Jesus lost his special status. There were many authors of the new book with different political agendas and often with limited understanding of the languages involved. This separation was seen coming in the sixth and seventh centuries but did not take place until the eighth and ninth centuries. The traditions of that first two hundred years of Islam are mostly mythical or as Pressburg suggests, “tales from the East.” What we now know as Islam was not completed until the twelfth or even the thirteenth century. [The Qur’an was not printed until 1802 in Russia.] By the third Islamic century (the 900s), Islam had transformed into “an excessive personality cult,” now the trademark of Islam and what they had been so strongly against in the beginning.
That is the Cult of Muhammad.
Richard Hobbs is a retired combat infantry officer, professor, and businessman. He has worked, taught, and written in the international arena for over 55 years including the Pentagon, the State Department, and in international operations for a major corporation.
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Ike on Communism (Islam)
Modification of Ike’s writing about Communism
President Dwight Eisenhower described Communism in “Afterthoughts” the final chapter of his Memoirs (Waging Peace). I have substituted Islam and Muslims for Communism and Communists and the result seems just as current as his views on Communism. I often compare the ideologies of Islam and Communism so this description seems quite fitting.
Too bad Ike isn’t still around!
Islam, no matter how it may be described or disguised, requires dictatorship as a condition of its existence. Moreover, because the Muslim leaders recognize that freedom appeals deeply to man’s basic instincts while regimentation is abhorrent to his nature, they conclude that the perpetuation of the doctrine depends on the total destruction of individual liberty. This eliminates freedom of choice between their own and other ideologies. This is the international expression of their “Islam only” political system at home.
The cardinal democratic concept that men are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights has been developed out of a religious faith. Muslims scorn religions, labeling them deviations from the only truth Islam; should they accept the doctrine of the equality of all in the sight of God [not Allah] they could claim no right, except that of naked power, to dominate and rule the lives of others.
Thus released from any restraint, morality, in the Muslim view, is that which serves Islam. Muslims embrace every kind of tactic to gain their fundamental objective, the dominations of the earth’s peoples. Whatever may seem to them at any moment to be the most advantageous direction of advance needs no other justification. They use force, the threat of force, economic pressure and penetration, deceit, blackmail, distortion, propaganda, bribery, and lies to attain their ends, all with the sanction of their doctrine. The fairer their words the more suspect they are. “By their deeds” you must know them. Only where any promise of theirs can be verified at every step may the Western world be justified in agreeing to mutual concessions or restrictions. This truth must be taken to heart by all the free nations as a guide in every negotiation with Muslims. Failure to do so is interpreted by them as stupidity and earns only their contempt. (pp. 625-626)
Muslims think in terms of decades and generations, rather than merely months or years. They hope that over the long term, selfishness, fear, or complacency will cause us to fail to sustain essential internal balance and dependable Free World cooperation, thus bringing about a deterioration of the strength and resolute leadership which now faces them. If this should occur, the consequences for us would be disastrous. We, therefore, must likewise think in terms of decades and generations. Long-sustained military power, economic health, moral and intellectual vitality, dependable Free World cooperation, eternal vigilance, and informed and resolute leadership – these are the ingredients of ultimate success. (p. 629)
French Problems – Are They World Problems?
By Richard Hobbs 17 January 2013
We have noted for years the riots in France by Muslim youths burning cars, women in their hijabs and long black coverings, and the photos of Muslims praying in the streets blocking traffic. There are parts of the major cities where the police do not dare go.
There are about 6.5 million Muslims in France, the largest in the European Union, and they are not assimilated raising fears that there is a parallel Islamic society. It already exists in the banlieues (suburbs) of some of their major cities where there are some 751 Sensitive Urban Zones (Zones Urbaines Sensibles – ZUS) involving about 5 million Muslims which are “no go” zones for the police and mostly off limits to non-Muslims – where the state has effectively lost control. Last August, the government increased policing in 15 of the No Go Zones designating them as Primary Security Zones (Zones de Sécurité Prioritaires - ZSP).
Mosques are erupting all over the country. A $27 million, 90,000 square foot mega mosque is going up in Marseille despite opposition from citizens and business with a minaret 82 feet high and space for 7,000 worshippers. One in Strasbourg is 14,000 square feet with space for 1,500 people. A three-story, 21,500 square foot mega mosque in Paris, with its minaret deliberately higher than the steeple of any nearby church, is the “new symbol of Islam in France.” French Interior Minister Manuel Valls noted at the inauguration of the new mosque, less than two kilometers from Notre Dame, that “Islam has its place in France."
France installed tougher citizenship rules last year trying to make immigrants truly French. However, Valls issued a warning to Islamists: that Muslims who do not respect France do not have to stay. “I will not hesitate to expel those who claim to be of Islam, and represent a grave threat to public order, by not respecting the laws and the values of the French Republic." It will be interesting to see if he carries that out!
President François Hollande rode to victory with 93% of the Muslims vote in the recent election. That was 1.7 million votes; he won by 1.1 million. He promised amnesty for 400,000 illegal Muslims and that Muslims without citizenship would vote in the 2014 elections, perhaps placing a Socialist Party lock on the country. However, opinion surveys show that the French populace increasingly views the Muslims as a threat to French national identity.
There are several problems involved. France, like other European countries with former colonies, had open immigration from Algeria which was a department of France until 1962. Labor shortage is exacerbating as the population ages. In addition to the multiculturalists in France, there is also outside influence such a $65 million program from Qatar to help in the suburbs. The problem with that is that the Qataris are Wahhabis like the Saudis and they do not promote integration, but want to impose their radical ideology and they support jihad against non-Muslims, which may further radicalize Muslims in France.
In addition to their troubles with Muslims at home, the French face a serious threat from Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) in their former colony, Mali (there are 6,000 French citizens there plus interests in uranium). The Tuaregs in the north have long been at odds with the government in Bamako and have now set up a “caliphate” centered on Timbuktu. They have installed sharia with amputations, stonings, and veils for the women (if they disobey, cut off their ears). The Tuaregs fought for Qaddafi in Libya and after his fall brought home much military equipment including SA-7 and SA-2 surface to air missiles. A coup by junior military officers last year destabilized the country. US Special Forces had trained many units there over the past five years, but, unfortunately, most were Tuaregs, and some 1,600 deserted and took their weapons with them to the north. So, many of the best trained troops are gone.
This is a vast area larger than France or Texas (almost the same size as Afghanistan) and mostly desert. In addition to AQIM, there is Ansar Dine and the Movement for Jihad and Unity in West Africa. Together they have established bases and a logistical system, have some caves for storage, built fortifications, dug tunnels, brought in generators and solar panels, and use GPS. It was their movement toward Bamako that forced the French to send in troops to block them. The UN Security Council passed Resolution 2071 calling for a 6,000 man force to restore the country: 3,000 from Mali and 3,000 from other African countries. However, that would require training and take considerable time.
The French action was met by the seizure of hostages at a natural gas complex in Algeria, some of whom have died, probably including Americans. AQIM threatened that no Frenchman was safe anywhere in the world and that every French national is a target.
There are numerous lessons here. Most of the rest of Europe has similar problems with Muslims and the prognosis is that Europe will become Muslim in coming decades – Eurabia. Mali may well be the next Afghanistan, in the wake of the two smaller “Afghanistans” – Yemen and Somalia. AQIM operates not only in Mali (it originated in Algeria and was involved in the Benghazi attack) but in a corridor across much of the northern Sahel. This 7,000-kilometer (4,300-mile) belt from the Atlantic at Mauritania, across Mali, Niger, Algeria, Libya, Burkina Faso, Chad, and on to the Red Sea may well come up on the US radar as there is no strategy to contain the Sahel. The US has already committed logistical and communications support to the French effort and it appears that US drones will be deployed. The seizure of hostages in Algeria demonstrates the ability of jihadists to retaliate (note for any attack on Iran!).
The problems for France are the problems for Europe and may well be the problems for the rest of the world. Getting our troops out of Afghanistan will not end our confrontation with radical Islam. We have been at war with Islam since 1979 (fall of the Shah and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan) and we still do not recognize it. The inappropriately named Arab Spring is the Muslim Winter and it will be a long cold one. Wake Up America!
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“You must accept my religion!”
I may have been dead for over 1000 years but I am still very much alive.
I told my people I was a prophet - in fact, not just any prophet but the last one.
Posing as a prophet is really very simple. First and foremost you have to believe in yourself. Then people will start to believe in you. The more people who believe in you, the more others can be persuaded to believe in you. It snowballs. Today I still live through my followers and the rules I gave them to live by.
What is my religion? My religion is my ambition.
My ambition was to dominate all the peoples of the world and to have them all living by my rules. I wanted total obedience. I wanted to be praised and revered by everyone on earth. I was careful to cover my ambition in the cloak of religion so that my authority had the backing of the Almighty. Who would dare disobey me then?
The cloak of religion has served me very well. It has inspired my credulous followers to kill and be killed in the service of my ambition; it has allowed them to cast their bloodshed in the light of holiness.
My religion only demands one thing: TOTAL OBEDIENCE. Obey my rules and serve my ambition and you will be rewarded, in this life and the next.
My followers are busy working to enforce my rules across the whole world today. They call this their religion. They do this in all manner of ways: by persuading, persecuting, cajoling, threatening, soothing, confusing, bullying, terrorizing, silencing, migrating, breeding– whatever it takes to spread my religion and ensure it becomes dominant.
The main purpose of my religion is to destroy all other religions.
“So what are your rules?” I hear you ask. Very well, here are my life or death rules:
1) If you reject my religion, then you must be fought – to the death. 2) If you leave my religion, you must be killed. 3) If you mock, insult, or work against my religion you must be killed. 4) If you die fighting for my religion you will go straight to paradise.
Remember that total obedience is the only measure of devotion to me. If you follow my rules without question you will be rewarded. Even when my rules demand cruelty or ferocity, you must obey. In fact, your willingness to do what you would rather not do is the best sign that you are obedient and thus truly devoted to my religion.
Everything you do must proclaim the same message: “Accept my religion or else!” This is my message and this is the message of my followers. Watch them carefully; they always bear the same message.
Today my ambition is enjoying remarkable success. Everywhere my followers go they simply have to say they must be allowed to do this or that because it is their religion and the unbelievers fall over themselves to allow it – even when it secretly disgusts them.
For all the technical wizardry of these modern unbelievers, I must say they are the greatest fools I have ever seen. Their biggest weakness is that they want peace. This makes them easy people to conquer. My followers just have to threaten disorder and the unbelievers find a sneaky way to concede defeat. The violence of my followers terrifies the unbelievers into paralysis and submission. There are a few among the unbelievers who have become alarmed but they are ignored or vilified.
In fact, when my followers murder some unbelievers due to some trivial insult, these foolish cowards come to them with grovelling apologies and promises to punish anyone else who offends my religion: my religion, which hangs over them like a death sentence! They truly are the most ridiculous people. I think they will sell their own children into slavery for the sake of a little more “peace”.
My soldiers only have to use words like “justice”, “liberation”,“freedom” and the unbelievers will send their armies to help them. But my followers have no intention of creating “liberty”, it’s against my religion. Nor do the unbelievers understand what I mean by “justice”. They are too lazy to find out!
I have nothing but contempt for these people. They are weak and cowardly and stupid.
These fools think that by tolerating my religion they are accepting it. This will do for now because it allows my followers to gather strength, but in the long run it will not suffice. To accept my religion is to obey my rules and just tolerating my religion is not obeying my rules. If they refuse to obey my rules, they are rejecting my religion and must be fought – to the death. That is rule number one.
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Islam – A Primer
by Richard Hobbs © 2014
He it is Who sent His Apostle with guidance
and the religion of truth, that He might
cause it to prevail over all religions.
- Qur’an IX:33
Islam, the most perfect and comprehensive system
for felicity in this world and unending
happiness in the next.
- Reliance of the Traveller[1]
If you do not understand Islam, you cannot begin to understand the situation we face and the threat to our society[2].
Why are millions of Muslims dedicated to killing Americans, Israelis, random people in Bali, the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere as well as their own fellow Muslims? Because of a doctrine or dogma. A doctrine is a collection of ideas. These could be customs, words, beliefs, etc. Dogma is belief or opinion handed down by authority as true and indisputable, and usually connotes arbitrariness and arrogance. A religion or an ideology is not a single idea; it is a collection of ideas. These ideas that make up Islam determine how Muslims feel and behave.
Here are some of the key components of the idea-collection known as Islam, a 7th Century ideology supposedly developed by an illiterate man with words he claimed were delivered to him by an angel that was supposedly the direct word from his “god” – Allah – in one of the most obscure places in the world, Arabia:
*First, Islam is the Arabic word meaning submission (to Allah) and is derived from a word meaning “peace” and Muslims are those who have submitted. Islam is dualistic and contradictory. Humanity is divided into believers (that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah) and kafir(non-Muslims or unbelievers). A kafir is hated, ignorant, evil, a liar, disgraced, unclean, cursed, a partner of Satan, and can be beheaded, enslaved, raped, mocked, confused, terrorized, deceived, annihilated, robbed, killed, crucified, plotted against, made war on and humiliated, and a Muslim cannot be his friend. [Each of these is from Islamic texts.]
* A standardized version of the idea-collection is written down. Something only transmitted orally can change over time; which happened as Muhammad’s revelations [supposedly the direct word of Allah as told to him by the angel Gabriel] were memorized (there were 7 dialects in Arabic then and diacritical marks had not been invented yet) and some were lost, people died or were killed in battle, and Muhammad forgot some.
There was confusion from the start. The 2nd Caliph, Umar, claimed that “Much of the Qur’an had been lost,” and that there had been a verse for stoning for adultery but it had been dropped. Evidently no two witnesses could be found who had memorized it the same way. Aisha, Muhammad’s favorite wife and widow, was not happy with Uthman, the 3rd Caliph who supposedly compiled the Qur’an, in that one chapter had been reduced from 200 verses to 73. She also complained that a domestic animal got in and ate some of the verses during preparations for Muhammad’s funeral (sort of like the kid’s excuse to a teacher that my dog ate my homework). The Qur’an was not finally compiled until 20 years after his death and then all the source material was burned, depriving history of any further study of the background of the Qur’an. [Actually, the Qur’an probably evolved during the 8th and 9th centuries.]
* The Qur'an tells believers they must spread Islam. It is their holy duty to bring Muhammad's warnings and Islamic law to the whole world. It includes instructions for its own preservation, protection, and replication fidelity. The Qur'an, the most important of the Islamic holy books, directly tells its followers that they can never change or modify or "modernize" any of the teachings within the idea-collection. However, the Qur’an is written in code: you cannot begin to understand it as written because the chapters are not in chronological orderbut organized on the basis of length with much repetition. So it is actually the life story of Muhammad but it does not flow logically.
* The Qur’an is the words of Allah, while the Sunna is the words and actions of Muhammad found in the Hadith and the Sira. This is the divine path for all humanity. A hadith is a tradition, or a brief story about Muhammad. The plural of hadith is Ahadith, a collection of hadiths, but we will use the Western version Hadith. There were hundreds of thousands of hadiths, mostly unreliable or forgeries. The two most accepted collections are the Sahih Bukhari and the Sahih Muslim. Bukhari reduced 600,000 hadiths to 6,720, even many of those are repetitious. The most famous of the Sira are by Al Tabari and Ishaq.
* The Qur’an is actually only about 14% of the total textual doctrine. The Sunna comprises the major element with the Hadith which is 60% and the Sirais 26%.
* The Qur’an provides the divine authorization for Political Islam and jihad. The Sira show the strategy of conquest and the Hadith is the tactical manual. This Trilogy – Qur’an, Hadith, and Sira – is the doctrinal foundation of Islam.
* There are really two Qur’ans: Mecca and Medina. There are 114 surahs (chapters); 86 were “revealed” in Mecca where Muhammad was a preacher trying to persuade people to accept him as a prophet and join him and 28 in Medina where he became a political and religious dictator after fleeing from Mecca in 622 AD, called the Hejira(Flight or night of migration). Many of the violent verses “revealed” in Medina cancelled the peaceful verses from Mecca. In Medina, Muhammad filled the coffers of his poor followers by raiding the caravans travelling from Damascus and by extortion from Christians and Jews for not killing them. Many of those caravans belonged to members of his tribe from Mecca, the Quraysh.
* Jihad means struggle or effort. There are two kinds: the lesser jihad and the greater jihad. Greater jihad is a spiritual effort or internal struggle and is barely mentioned. Lesser jihad is armed violence and is 98% of the jihad hadiths and jihad is called the best action a Muslim can perform.
* Islam commands its followers to create a government that supports it. This ingenious idea is unique to Islam. Other religions have had political aspirations, but no other major religion orders its followers — as a religious duty — to create a government that follows its own system of law. Islamic law is called Sharia. All Muslims are obligated to continually strive to make their government — wherever they are — follow it. Thus Islam separates from religion and becomes political ideology.
* Permission to spread the religion by war – another brilliant innovation. Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do so. Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the dogma. Islamic teachings present it this way: The poor non-Muslims not living in an Islamic state need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't voluntarily change their laws to Sharia, then it is the duty of Muslim warriors to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah [or Muhammad].
Muhammad claimed he was the last prophet and he is considered the perfect man whose example every Muslim should follow. At first, Muhammad tried to spread Islam by peaceful means. After thirteen years he had a paltry 150 converts. The citizens of Mecca grew tired of his preaching and he was under threat to be tried as a traitor, so he fled to a town some 200 miles to the north, Yathrib, which was about half Jewish and half Arab with many Christians, where a group invited him to come and be the arbiter in 622. That flight or night of migration is known as the Hejira (also Hijra and Hegira) and is marked as the beginning of Islamic history and Yathrib was known thereafter as the City of the Prophet, Medinnet el Nebi, or Medina. The Hejira is so important in Islamic history that it is the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
There he changed tactics and started using warfare, slaughter, executions, and assassination, and within ten years he converted tens of thousands and all of Arabia, and after he died, they used the same tactics and converted millions. And by simple population increase, it is now 1.6 billion. The use of warfare combines synergistically and powerfully with the instruction to create an Islamic state. So Islam spread quickly as their armies got bigger. They conquered and set up Islamic states, most of which have lasted to this day, and the laws within an Islamic state make Islam very difficult to dislodge. The laws also make it very advantageous to convert to Islam. This is one of the most effective methods ever invented for getting an idea-collection into huge numbers of minds. It's a method of control and indoctrination similar to those used successfully in communist and totalitarian states.
* Lands must be conquered. All the world is to be Muslim. If any lands are lost they must be reconquered, such as Spain and Israel. The Islamic empire must continually expand. Contraction is bad; expansion is good. According to Islamic teachings, the earth is Allah's. The world is divided into the Dar al-Islam (land of submission) and Dar al-Harb(land of war). This is the legacy of Muhammad. It is the duty of the faithful to gain control of any parts of the earth not following Islamic law (the Dar al-Harb) and establish Sharia. It is a sin to let it be.
* The idea-collection provides for new soldiers by allowing polygamy. A Muslim man can marry up to four wives; he can have sex with as many slave girls as he wishes (what your right hand possesses). Qur’an IV:24. Muhammad, was “permitted” unlimited wives Qur’an XXXIII:50; also he was permitted to marry Zeinab, the wife of his adopted son. Qur’an XXXIII:37. The Quran can be very personal.
* It is a crime to criticize Islam This is a good supporting idea for the collection by suppressing any ideas that reduce the authority of Islamic ideas, but it is bad for people. It limits freedom of speech. This is called Blasphemy and the sentence is death.
* You can't leave Islam once you're in. It is actually illegal in Islamic states to convert out of Islam. A Muslim who rejects Islam is an "apostate." This is a crime and a sin, and the punishment for it is death (and eternal damnation in hell thereafter). This is called Apostasy.
Obviously, you can see why this idea has been included in the collection, but this one has actually caused Islam a problem because those who are following Islam to the letter consider more "moderate" Muslims (those who want to ignore or alter the more violent passages of the Qur'an) to be apostates. Since the punishment for apostates is death, fundamentalist Muslims are fighting modernizing Muslims all over the world, and keeping many rebellious, modernizing Muslims from speaking up for fear of death. Every time a group of Muslims decides that maybe Islam should be updated for the 21st century and maybe women should have some rights or maybe the government should be more democratic, the devout Muslims call them apostates and try to kill them. This is not good for the Muslim human beings, but it's great for the collection. Another innovative idea in Sharia law says it's against the law for anyone to try to convert a Muslim to another religion.
* Islam must be your first allegiance. You are a Muslim first, before any allegiance to your family, tribe, or country. There is no loyalty to any nation state. This encourages a unity of people across borders which allows the group to grow bigger than any other entity. The "Nation of Islam"can grow bigger than any country (which gives the group a massive numerical advantage).
* Dying while fighting for Islam is the ONLY way to guarantee a man's entrance into Paradise. This is a great idea for creating fearless, enthusiastic warriors, especially given the Qur'an's vivid descriptions of the sensuous delights of Paradise (what Rebecca Bynum, author of Allah is Dead, calls the “Brothel in the sky”). A Muslim man has a chance of getting to Paradise if he is a good Muslim, but it is not guaranteed. However, if he dies while fighting for Islam, it is guaranteed.
* The Qur'an is supposed to be read only in Arabic, much to the consternation of speakers of some of the world’s great languages. This unites believers by language, and language is a very powerful unifying phenomenon. Allah supposedly only spoke Arabic which unfortunately, in the 7th century, was a very backward language – no book had yet been printed in Arabic (there is the question if the Qur’an was actually written in Arabic). So was Allah’s word only for Arabs? According to Muhammad, “Love the Arabs for three things: Because I am an Arab, the Koran is in Arabic, and the language of the people of paradise is Arabic.”
* Every Muslim must pray five times a day. This is one of the five "pillars"of Islam: profession of faith, prayer, fasting during Ramadan, religious tax, and the hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). The practice helps the idea-collection dominate a Muslim's life, infusing his daily rhythm with Islam. It would be impossible to forget anything you deliberately do so often. Five times a day, every day, a Muslim must bow down and pray to Allah. The more effort a person expends for a cause, the more he is likely to believe in and value it. This helps make believers out of people who became Muslims through coercion.
Prayers involve moving together in time; the details are spelled out in great detail. When Muslims pray, they all face the same direction (toward Mecca), they bow down, get on their hands and knees, and put their face on the mat, all in unison, and then rise back up. Again and again. When people move together in time, whether dancing, marching, or praying, it creates a physical and emotional bond between them. That's why military training involves close-order drill (marching in unison), even though it has been a long time since military groups have actually marched into battle. There is no longer a need for the skill, but military training retained the practice because it is so effective at creating a strong feeling of unity among soldiers. This is true of any physical movements people make in unison. So the method of prayer in Islam is a unifying ideaadded to the collection.
* Islam completely takes over every aspect of Muslims' lives. Islam dictates the laws, and the laws cover all public and private behavior down to sex life and personal hygiene.
* A woman is in a thoroughly subordinate position. This idea really helps support earlier ideas. If women had too much influence, they'd try to curb the warring. Women in general don't like to send their husbands and sons off to war. But if women have no say, then the rest of the ideas can express themselves without interference. By subordinating women, the idea-collection prevents their effective vote against war, violence, and conquest.
The rules and laws within Islam that keep women subordinate are numerous. For example, she is not allowed to leave her house unless she is accompanied by a male relative. She can only inherit half of what a man can inherit. In court, her testimony is only worth half of a man's. She is not allowed to choose where she will live or who she will marry. She is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim or divorce her husband. He, however, can divorce her with a wave of his hand. And according to Sharia, he can (and should) beat herif she disobeys him. Four witnesses are necessary to prove rape (almost impossible); otherwise she is guilty of adultery. [75% of women in Pakistani prisons are rape victims.] All of these ideas keep her subordinate.
One author claims that this is an example of “the Stockholm Syndrome” and calls it Muhammad’s greatest discovery. Small acts of kindness combined with constant fear of being beaten or killed (honor killing) lead Muslim women to psychological dissociation resulting in their adopting the oppressive ideology and actually becoming cooperative.
* The only way a woman can get into Paradise for sure is if her husband is happy with her when she dies. This idea obviously helps with the subjugation of women. It motivates her to subjugate herself. It gives her a strong incentiveto subordinate her wishes to her husband’s, because while she might have a chance to get into Paradise if she's a good Muslim, the only way she can guarantee she will go to Paradise (and avoid eternal suffering in hell) is to make sure her husband is happy with her when she dies.
* Allah gives Himself permission to edit his own work. This is an interesting one. It says in the Qur’an that if a passage written later contradicts an earlier passage, then the later one cancels the earlier one. The Qur'an was supposedly revealed in sections (Muhammad's revelations, each written as a surah or chapter) over a period of 23 years. The circumstances of Muhammad's life and his dogma changed significantly over those 23 years. One of the ideas in the Qur'an is "this is the word of Allah." People had already memorized his earlier revelations, so Muhammad couldn't just change his revelations. It would look a little strange for the all-knowing, infinitely wise Allah to change something He had already said. But with this new idea – that later revelations abrogated or overwrote any earlier revelations they contradicted – Allah's methods could change as Muhammad found more effective ideas. As noted earlier, in his first 13 years of peacefully preaching, Muhammad only managed to win 150 followers. But as a military leader and violent conqueror, he was able to subjugate all of Arabia to Islamic law in less than 10 years. The peaceful ways were too slow and ineffective. Conversion by conquering and establishing Sharia was much faster and more efficient. So later, violent, intolerant verses abrogate the earlier peaceful, tolerant verses (some 225). This is called Abrogation.
* The Qur’an uses the carrot and stick to reinforce behavior. Throughout the book are vivid descriptions of hell, where sinners and non-Muslims will have to drink boiling, stinking water, will be thrown face down into a raging fire, and will be there for eternity, suffering endless torments in agony.
There are also vivid descriptions of Paradise. In Paradise, it says, believers will wear green silk robes and recline on plush couches. Trees will shade them, fruit will dangle nearby. They'll have tasty food and refreshing drinks (including wine – special, no hangover!) served in silver goblets, beautiful virgins and boys. To have a chance of achieving this, they must be devout Muslims. To guarantee it, they must die in jihad (for men) or make sure their husbands are always happy with them (for women).
* It provides a huge and inspiring goal. Leaders of countries or companies or religions have all discovered that you can get the most motivation and enthusiasm from your followers if you provide them with an expansive vision — an enormous goal. In the Islamic idea-collection, the goal calls for a continuous effort to expand the domain of Islamic law until all the world is subjugated to it. Many religions have the goal of converting everyone, but Islam has a method available nobody else has: To expand by seizing and converting governments to Sharia. Once the whole world is Islamic, peace will reign. That's why even terrorists can say with complete sincerity, "Islam is a religion of peace." The Qur'an says it is best if non-believers accept Islam and become Muslims without force. But if they refuse, then you must fight them and conquer them and save their poor souls by insisting they live by the laws of Allah. Once all countries are conquered, the world will be at peace. Therefore, Islam is a religion of peace [though this is nonsensesince they will fight among themselves – Sunnis, Shia, Sufis, Salafis, Alawites, Deobandis, Wahhabis, Ismailis, and the less orthodox Muslims].
* Non-Muslims must pay a large tax. Once Muslims conquer a country and convert the government to Islamic law, non-Muslims have the choice to convert or die. However, Christians, Jews, and some Zoroastrians have the choice between becoming Muslim or becoming a dhimmi. Dhimmis are allowed to practice their non-Muslim religion if they pay the jizya (a tax). If they convert to Islam, they no longer have to pay a tax, so there is a practical incentive to convert. But another aspect of this makes it a brilliant idea to add to the collection. The tax takes money away from the non-Muslims and their competing idea-collections and gives that money to support Islam. The income from these taxes (usually a 25% income tax) helped fund the Islamic conquests during the first two major jihads. This third class citizens/slaves status under Islam is called Dhimmitude.
Several ideas within Sharia law extend this effect. For example, non-Muslims are not allowed to build any new houses of worship. They're not even allowed to repair already-existing churches or synagogues. This puts the houses of worship of any competing idea-collection in a state of permanent decline. Also, non-Islamic prayers cannot be spoken within earshot of a Muslim — again, preventing Muslims from being infected by a competing religion. No public displays of any symbols of another faith may be shown either. All of this prevents the spread of any competing religion, and makes competing idea-collections die out over time. That's why today there are so many "Muslim countries." Almost every other country in the world is made up of many different religions. Also, Non-Muslims are not allowed to own weapons of any kind.
* A Muslim is forbidden to make friends with an infidel. A Muslim is allowed to pretend to be a friend, but in his heart he must never actually be a friend to a non-Muslim.
* The Qur’an counsels the use of deceit when dealing with infidels. Muhammad instructed one of his followers to lie if he had to. The principle was clear: If it helps Islam, it's okay to deceive non-Muslims. This is taqiyya. It has been used historically and is still used: Islamic leaders saying one thing in English for the Western press, and saying something entirely different in Arabic.
The Qur'an says, "War is deceit" and since Islam is at war with the non-Islamic world until the whole world follows Sharia, all non-Muslims living in non-Islamic states are enemies. So deceiving Westerners is totally acceptable. It is encouraged if it can forward the goal of the spread of Islam.
* Islam must always be defended. This idea is a primary linchpin that gives justification for war with almost anybody. After the enemy is defeated, of course, Muslims are required to establish an Islamic state. Islamic writings teach the use of pretext to start wars. The use of pretexttends to make the West defenseless against the Islamic invasion now underway. Muslim terrorists are not naïve people. They are smart, educated, well-funded, and being used by a very clever idea-collection.
* The explicit use of double standards. Islam has one standard for Muslims, and a different standard for non-Muslims, which always gives the advantage to Muslims and within a Muslim country, it provides incentives to convert. There is no right and wrong in Islam NO GOLDEN RULE IN ISLAM.What advances Islam is good; what impedes the advance of Islam is bad. Islam must be free to spread around the world, but other religions cannot try to spread their religion.
When Islam is defamed in any way, Muslims should violently defend it. Even in a cartoon! But Muslims can and should defame Jews and Christians in Muslim newspapers and television, and they should defame any infidel or enemy, as they defame the US today.
The Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia are pouring money into building mosquesall over the free world. But in Saudi Arabia, no non-Muslim religious structures are allowed to be built. Muslims all over the world protest loudly and violently when anyone in Europe or America resists the building of more mosques in their countries. Islamic supremacists don't see the irony in it. They don't feel strange having such an obvious double standard. They are, after all, Allah's followers and everyone else is deluded. Fairness and equality with such unworthy infidels would seem very out of place. A double standard seems completely appropriate from that perspective.
The double standard principle is a key partof the idea-collection, and it has been a great advantage in the spread of Islam (and the suppression of competing religions or ideologies).
* It is forbidden to kill a Muslim (except for a just cause). It is not forbidden to kill an infidel. This causes a bond between Muslims, fear in non-Muslims, and motivation to become Muslim.
* Multiculturalism – Muslims encourage it, but only as an interim measure to divide and weaken infidels until they can seize power to impose the Islamic state - 1400 years of intolerant treatment by Muslims: enough is enough the world continues to tolerate the intolerable!
We can admire the brilliance of the Islamic idea-collection in an abstract, intellectual sort of way, but it is terrifyingly real. Millions of people try to follow these ideas to the letter. And their belief in the idea-collection is strongly supported by the side-effects of Sharia. By making the government and laws ruled by Islam, the idea-collection applies two powerful principles of influence: social proof, and authority.
The invasion of the West is underway, and it is being done so cleverly, most Westerners don't even know it is happening, what is called the stealth jihad. And because of the rise of multiculturalism (respect for all other cultures) and tolerance and political correctnessin the West, the use of pretext is very effective against people who are unfamiliar with Islam.
Everyone practices the doctrine in an Islamic state (or they are flogged, taxed, or killed) and no one can criticize it, not friend-to-friend, and not through any media. The psychological impact of this is enormous. Three generations later, it would be almost impossible for any Muslim living in that state to think outside of Islam. The authority and social proof would be overwhelming.
The totalitarian superiority status that Islam is seeking as a total way of life behind a religious façade, which goal is to bring into submission the entire world, is deeply-rooted in the inferiority complex of people who cannot achieve any significant contribution to modern science, technology, culture, and humanity, ironically, because of their strict and submissive following of Islam. That submission and resulting fatalism are the critical weakness of Islam. It is best represented by their reliance on their expression InshAllah (Allah willing) which removes reason and relieves them of accepting responsibility.
Islam is a totalitarian ideology with a façade of religion, not a true monotheistic religion, but more a cult of a mythical Muhammad. The vengeful Allah is not the Christian-Judean merciful God, but is a creation of Muhammad, or Muhammad himself (or many politicians over two centuries). Ililah was the name of one of 360 gods who were worshiped by Arab tribes in pre-Islamic period and was the god of his Quraysh tribe.
There may be moderate Muslims but there is no moderate Islam and probably never will be.
Religion is for the unlettered multitude; philosophy for the chosen few. Religion teaches by signs and symbols; philosophy presents the truth itself. In the mind, therefore, of the truly enlightened, philosophy supersedes religion.
- Ibn Rushd better known as Averroës in Spain (1126-1198)[3]
1. Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, Reliance of the Traveller, A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, (Beltsville, Maryland, Amana Publications, 2008), X245, p. 1073.
2. For more details on Islam, see Richard Hobbs, Death by a Thousand Cuts, Islam, Fiscal Irresponsibility, and other Threats to Destroy America, (Sparks, Nevada, ColDoc Publishing, 2012), particularly Chapter 3 and Appendix B – The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam, and Radical Islam at War with the World, Do we want Dhimmitude – third class citizens/slaves under Islam –or do we want to be free? It is Our Choice(Sparks, Nevada, ColDoc Publishing, 2013).
3. Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, (Boston, Regina Orthodox Press, Inc., 2002), p. 195.
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The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam - the outstanding article by Citizen Warrior
For the complete presentation, including photos and quotes, see Richard Hobbs, Death by a Thousand Cuts, Islam, Fiscal Irresponsibility, and other Threats to Destroy America, (Sparks, Nevada, ColDoc Publishing, 2012), Appendix B – The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam, pp. 207-220.
It can also be accessed at The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam
It is an excellent presentation and I highly recommend reading it.
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Wrong Enemy, Wrong Goal, Wrong Tactics, Wrong Strategy
By Richard Hobbs © 2015
We are in a war for our civilization but our leaders leave the people at the mall with a pablum of misinformation and disinformation. World leaders, and all of our elected officials, from our President, to the rest of those in Washington, plus the media, owe us honest and accurate definitions of the threat we face and how it should be dealt with realistically to protect our society.
Sun Tzu taught us to know your enemy. We cannot win a war when we refuse to recognize that we are in a war or even name the enemy. Terror is not an enemy; it is a tactic as old as history. So the war on terror leaves us chasing a mirage. The enemy is Islam. There is not space enough here to address the totalitarian ideology of Islam and its façade of religion. [See my books: Radical Islam at War with the World and Death by a Thousand Cuts for considerable detail, available at and]
Bush, Obama, David Cameron, and many others have constantly mislead us with their pronouncements that Islam is a religion of peace. Even Daesh/ISIL has grown tired of such nonsense. In the latest issue of their magazine Dabiq, they strongly rebuked Bush, Obama, and Kerry for this wrongful slogan with a page of quotes from the Qur’an. With more quotes from the Qur’an, they establish that peace is not the basis of the word Islam and that “Islam is the religion of the sword” as revealed by Allah. The infidels (unbelievers) and their “tyranny will be destroyed; Islam and its justice [sharia] will prevail on the entire Earth.” Finally, they refer to Qur’an 8:39 “And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah.” Why won’t we listen?
Apologists the world over constantly claim that Daesh is not Islam. Daesh is pure Islam in the model of Muhammad, the perfect man to Muslims. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is not an illiterate; he has a doctorate in Islam from Saddam Hussein University in Baghdad. He certainly knows more about Islam that the politicians who have probably never even read the Qur’an. Politicians, except for Winston Churchill, refused to read Mein Kampf, in which Hitler related exactly what he would do. Likewise, the Qur’an, the Hadith, and the Sira explain Islam precisely in terms of its goal of world domination, establishment of the caliphate, and imposition of sharia law, which we ignore at our peril.
The goal then is not to destroy each of these many different militant Islamic organizations while we ignore the source. The goal has to be to bring Islam into the modern world acceptable to the society of nations or remove it. This would require an enormous reformation of Islamic dogma, which may not be possible. Totalitarian Islam has to go the way of fascism and communism for there to be any world peace.
The tactics of chasing each Islamic group without addressing the source ideology leaves us chasing our tail, accomplishing little. We ignore that such fighters, who we call jihadis, which just makes them more proud of themselves reinforcing their devotion to their cause, are drawn to what they consider to be a religious duty from a higher calling from their supposed god, Allah, via his messenger Muhammad. They have been brainwashed since childhood that to die in the way of Allah, as a martyr, is noble and guarantees entry into Paradise. Most of the fighting needs to be left to regional powers, because any US involvement is generally a no-win situation since it only legitimates one group while likely alienating another.
The strategy rather than constantly apologizing for Islam as peaceful, must face the reality that Islam is totalitarian, not a religion in the Western sense, and is totally incompatible with democracy and human rights. The epochal war, the Long War, which supposedly ended in 1990 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, started in 1914 with a struggle to determine the constitution for the society of nations: whether it would be fascism, communism, or parliamentarianism. Versailles did not end it because it did not resolve the struggle. World War II (San Francisco and the UN) discredited fascism but left communism.
I contend that the Long War did not end it in 1990, but that it continues in that World War IV (The Cold War was World War III) had really started in 1979 with the seizure of the US Embassy in Tehran and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan followed shortly thereafter by the Israeli invasion of Lebanon to remove the Palestine Liberation Organization. It was only shortly after 1990 that we sent 500,000 troops to drive Iraq out of Kuwait in Iraq War I.
Islam has similarities to fascism and communism which argue that the basic battle of the Long War has not yet been resolved. Just as fascism and communism were delegitimated, Islam must be shown to be unacceptable not only to the civilized countries but also to those 56 Islamic countries. This calls for truth in education of all peoples and a massive psychological warfare program to bring those Islamic countries into the society of nations. [One theme might be that Islam is Satanic and Muhammad is Satan.] Both Islam and Muhammad, the perfect man (if he ever existed – there is so much myth in Islam!), must be discredited. Otherwise, World War IV will continue with fanatic determination even though we refuse to even recognize that we are under attack. That is the way to lose civilization!
We need to encourage our people and particularly our elected officials at all levels to learn about Islam and study the subject and honestly evaluate it. Our security and our future depend on it. In the meantime, we need to reevaluate our security situation. It is impossible to have police or military protection for every casino, mall, stadium, church, synagogue, electrical station, pumping station, pipeline, etc. The only source will be the people. Gun control activists should seriously reconsider their positions as open carry may well be the only solution to protect ourselves.
Hopefully, Charlie Hebdo and Daesh have helped to wake us up. Daesh beheads, burns a man alive, executes men by the hundreds, sells girls for sex slaves, cuts off women’s hands for using a cell phone, beheads men for smoking, and stones women to death.
This barbaric ideology is the challenge to civilization. We must rise to the challenge.
RH 17 Feb 15
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Enough is Enough – America is Tired of Muslim Intolerance
Intolerance is itself a form of
violence and an obstacle to the
growth of a true democratic spirit.
- Gandhi
In the Muslim community, the holy war is
a religious duty, because
of the universalism of the (Muslim) mission and the (obligation
to) convert everybody to Islam either by
persuasion or by force ‰ Islam is under
obligation to gain power over nations.
- Ibn Khaldun, 15th Century
An American ambassador was killed in Libya and our government, including the President, the Secretary of State, and the UN Ambassador, claimed it was a result of protests over an obscure video about Muhammad (the video may actually be accurate but that is not important). There were no protests - protesters do not usually carry mortars and RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades)! A heroic 14-year-old girl is shot in Pakistan for wanting an education and the Taliban vowed to shoot her again if she survives. [She went on to speak at the United Nations.] Almost two hundred were killed after cartoons of Muhammad were published in a Danish newspaper; embassies were burned, and Danish products boycotted. Recent cartoons in a French paper have generated more violence. Any excuse or no pretext will suffice to generate Muslim violence against infidels. Muslims demand respect but they do not respect others. They insist that everyone else be tolerant of their views but they are intolerant of all others. It is getting old!
Christians are being oppressed and driven out of Muslim countries, including Egypt and Iraq, where we spent massive national treasure and the blood of thousands of our military. Christians are being slaughtered in northern Nigeria by Boko Haram. Masked gunmen roused college students in the middle of the night in Nigeria; “separated the Christian students from the Muslim students” and then shot them or slit their throats. With all our great expenditures in Afghanistan, there are no churches there (same in Saudi Arabia). The last synagogue in Egypt has been closed. Yet Western Christians and Jews barely raise their voices to support their brethren. Many have become conditioned to Muslim threats of violence and are intimidated and thus hesitate to inflame these wild ones. Another part is the terrible ignorance of Islam by non-Muslims. It was five centuries before the Qur’an was translated into Latin and five more centuries before there was another translation. The first translation of a Sira (biography of Muhammad) into English was not until the 17th Century. The major hadith (sayings and actions of Muhammad) of Bukhari was not translated until the 20th Century. This follows Islamic teaching that infidels are not to know about Islam. Such ignorance is dangerous. Never was Sun Tzu’s advice more imperative: Know your enemy!
Dr. Laurie Roth wrote about the Ground zero mosque just being the tip of the iceberg. “Islam is in the process of taking over all of America and transforming her to an Islamic republic observing Sharia law.” She calls it an insult to the 9/11 victims and an “arrogant and continued push of radical Islam behind the poisonous veil of peace and religious rights.” She expressed concern about the massive growth of Saudi and Iranian backed mosques in the US which has “nothing to do at all with Religious rights but is an arrogant and calculated plan to take over, capture and dominate America for Islam.” She summed it up, “America, wake up! I want to know what is going on in the 6000 mosques, hiding behind ‘freedom of speech.’ I think it is high time American authorities stop waxing so polite and intimidated and start tracking what is being said and taught in US mosques and schools, then having the guts and clarity to shut more than a few down.”
Islam has continuously revealed that it is really a Government dictatorship package housed in the skeleton of a Religion.
- Dr. Laurie Roth
Citizen Warrior illustrated the “infuriating cleverness of orthodox Muslims” by comparing them to the psychiatric patient in the movie, What About Bob?They have to stress that they are oppressed and persecuted and of course must “defend” themselves. The stealth jihad tries to evoke pity portraying themselves “as innocent victims of wrongdoing.” They use taqiyya [Muslim permission to dissemble or lie] masterfully as deceit. Leaders say one thing to Western media and the opposite to Muslims. “You see them speaking peace and tolerance to Westerners and two days later vigorously preaching jihad against the West to their fellow Muslims.” They push for concessions for their “special requirements” or “their unique religion” or because they have been persecuted or whatever excuse and this “leads to Islamization of society.” They appear to be nice but “Islamic countries are often very friendly to Western countries while at the same time whipping up national hatred against those same Western countries on Islamic television stations, and funding global jihad.”
A recent example was shown by our “friends” in Afghanistan. “Afghanistan’s senate voted to cut the word ‘friendship’ from a pact with France because Islamic texts say it cannot be used to describe relations between Muslims and infidels.” “Some senators said that based on Sharia rulings we cannot use the word friendship with infidels, so after voting the word friendship was replaced with relationship.” Of course, this is straight out of the Qur’an: “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and Christians for friends; they are friends to each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them.” Qur’an V:51.
They exploit our weaknesses. “They immigrate into free countries and then use the democratic process and rights of free speech to agitate against those freedoms and seek to subvert democracy.” They regularly exploit multicultural beliefs to gain concessions. We hope the problem will just go away but “Islamic supremacists are insinuating themselves more and more thoroughly into Western societies.” They are very skillful and keep it concealed. Referring to CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), “They have successfully fooled most people in America that they represent moderate, peace-loving Muslim Americans.” This is a long war. “Orthodox Muslims find every crack in the wall they can find and work their way in. And they twist every event and utterance to their purpose. They will not stop, they will not tire, and they have nothing else to live for. This is it. This is the meaning of their existence: Islam must win. Islam must dominate all other cultures, all other religions, all other governments. Allah wills it.” Muslims “have created ‘legitimate,’ mainstream organizations that lobby Washington and ‘represent the Muslim community’ to governments and to the media, and yet have a secret agenda, revealed at the recent Holy Land Foundation Trial, of conquering America from within.” Efforts have been made to try to find a “moderate Muslim,” but that would have to be a Muslim who “rejects 97% of the references to jihad in the Hadith” and would have to reject the cult of Muhammad. He would also have to reject “the intolerance, hatred, and violence toward non-Muslims” in the Qur’an and “reject the subordinated position of women.” We need to “stop coddling the so-called moderates. We need to be forthright and say, ‘you either stridently reject jihad or we will assume you embrace it.’” Vague assurances are not acceptable. “Muslims need to be clear and explicit, and we need to demand that of them. Anything less will not do, and if they want to whine and complain about it, too bad.” We understand Islam and the ideology and we “don’t want you running the country or involved in law enforcement or teaching my children or writing textbooks or working in counterterrorism or joining the military, unless you can assure me of what parts of that ideology you reject.” It is time for America to wake up. “Muslims must feel the heat. They must realize they have to come right out and say, ‘Yes, there is a political agenda in Islam, and I completely reject it’ or they will not be welcomed or trusted or invited to any ‘interfaith dialogs for peace and understanding.’” Many Muslim leaders have been asked to sign the Freedom Pledge but few have (1.3%). “We must make this clear to every Muslim: If you do not openly reject jihad in all its forms, we must assume you abide by it and believe in it, and we will have to treat you accordingly.” There is the irony of the statement that “a good Muslim is a bad Muslim!” The point being that if a Muslim were supposedly good – that is decent and not hell bent on ruling the world – he would, by definition, be going against the precepts of Islam and thus would be guilty of blasphemy and therefore a bad Muslim. He would in effect be a MINO, a Muslim In Name Only.
There may be moderate Muslims, but Islam itself is not moderate.
– Ibn Warraq
Trying to identify “moderate” Muslims raises a very troubling truth. Even if the majority of Muslims just want to live in peace, like Germans under Hitler or Russians under Stalin, they are entirely irrelevant. The truth is that fanatics [true believers, followers of the example of Muhammad and the cult that has emerged over the centuries] rule Islam. It is the fanatics who are marching, killing, beheading, stoning, raping, honor killing, and teaching the young to kill and become suicide bombers. The “peaceful majority” or “silent majority” is cowed, intimidated, extraneous, silent, and therefore irrelevant. Russians may have just wanted to live in peace but the Communists killed 20 million people. Likewise with the Chinese, but their Communists killed 70 million people. Japanese killed 12 million. Muslims have killed 270 million: 120 million Africans, 60 million Christians, 80 million Hindus, and 10 million Buddhists. Many “peace-loving” people have died because the peaceful majority failed to speak up until it was too late. As we have seen with American Muslims supporting Hamas, HezbAllah, attacking Jews, or protesting the cartoons, American Muslims are no different from the rest.
Dr. Peter Hammond wrote a study of how Islamization progresses as the Muslim community grows. As the Muslim population grows they agitate for more special considerations progressing from gangs to lawlessness to intimidation and violent jihad until they reach 100% as in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia. Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute developed computer models of various social networks. They “found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society.” Bill Warner wrote an interesting study of how former civilizations have been annihilated and the relentless march toward 100% Muslim populations. He prepared charts showing the progress over the centuries in several countries.
Today we see another approach to dealing with the Islam of annihilation. We ignore the history of annihilation and say that all we need to do is love Muslims and we will live in harmony, a wonderful multicultural civilization. A history of 1400 years without a single exception to the rule of annihilation and we will repeal it with a smile and a hug. All you need is love; love is all you need; all you need is love; love is all you need. Repeat that again and again, it will make a doctrine and history of annihilation go away. Actually, the way it works is that the history is never known. It is a cliché to say that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. It is a cliché but it is true. We have our foot on the path to annihilation today because we refuse to know history. What is the lesson? Islam, peaceful Islam, is about destruction of all Kafir civilization. Only if the Kafirs realize the goal of Islam is annihilation of their culture, can the destruction be stopped. Islam is at war with Kafirs, and Kafirs are trying to “nice” their way out of destruction. Islam is at war, we are at nice. Mohammed has a dream that is coming true while we sleep. [Emphasis added]
Our ignorance of history provides disturbing parallels between the appeasement of Hitler and Nazism in the 1930s and the treatment of Islam and Muhammad today. British leaders would not even accept their own intelligence and the prime minister’s “silence, his refusal to see, hear, and speak no evil of the Nazi chancellor was characteristic of the response among England’s ruling classes.” (p. 103) “The real problem was that the most powerful and influential men in Britain were determined not to offend Hitler.” (p. 125) It was all about love and peace. No one except Churchill ever read Mein Kampf; how many of our leaders have read the Qur’an and studied the Hadith and the Sira? The media self-censored all bad news about the Nazis and refrained from reporting Nazi evil because “if they were published Hitler would be offended.” (p. 399) History is repeating itself with our current fearful and ignorant political, media, university, and religious leaders’ treatment of Islam and Muhammad. Among the problems of our lack of understanding of Islam is our failure to comprehend jihad. We have been focused on terror – the bombings and killings – but the more insidious jihad, the stealth jihad, the gradual takeover of America and the slow imposition of sharia, is much more dangerous. We have already started down this slippery slope by banning the term “war on terror” and replacing it with ridiculous labels like “global contingency operations” and “man-caused disasters.” We accommodate and make concessions to Muslims such that sharia gradually destroys our laws and our values and could lead to “the destruction of our Constitution, our form of government and our way of life. Islam is subverting our way of life without guns and bombs, and we seem to be totally unaware of what is transpiring. We are building our own gallows and putting the noose around our neck, without even knowing it.”
The purpose of jihad is not to blow up buildings and kill infidels. Its purpose is to institute Shariah.
- Andrew C. McCarthy
The true purpose of jihad is not violence but to impose sharia. If a battle can be won without firing a shot, so much the better. It is like extortion, mafia-style with resort to breaking knees only occasionally. Even Sayyid Qutb, a major proponent of violent jihad, saw its need only when the march of Islam was obstructed. Thus, like a bank robber, violence is only necessary if non-violence fails. We see with the Muslim Brotherhood that the work of the Ikhwan in the US is stated as a grand jihad to eliminate and destroy Western civilization from within. Violence helps because the idiotic, childish reaction to the cartoons of Muhammad and similar outbursts condition the infidels to be careful and not dare to excite the wild Muslims.
The list of “little” concessions and accommodations is quite long. We have reached the point where the government has purged the terms “Islamofascism” and “jihad” from public use. Major efforts are underway to “criminalize and create civil liability for criticism of Islam.” These concessions and accommodations are “undermining our own society and values.” These people have no right for such special treatment and our government should not be “partnering” with radical groups like the Muslim Brotherhood which “mean our society mortal harm, even if they’re not blowing up buildings. The main challenge today is not protecting the buildings; it’s protecting ourselves from what’s going on inside the buildings.” We have the recent case of Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dooley being fired for teaching facts about Islam at the Joint Forces Staff College. He was personally attacked by Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who ruined Dooley’s career in violation of the principle of free speech and specifically of the regulations at the college providing academic freedom. Political correctness has come to dominate honesty.
We have noted that Sun Tzu exhorted us to Know your Enemy, but we still refuse to name our enemy. The 9/11 Commission Report stated the perpetrators and their ideology and “used the word Islam 322 times, Muslim 145 times, jihad 126 times, and jihadist 32 times.” This contrasts with the August 2009 National Intelligence Strategy which “uses the term Muslim 0 times, Islam 0, and jihad 0.” Likewise, the FBI Counterterrorism Analytical Lexicon “uses the term Muslim 0 times, the term Islam 0 times, and the term jihad 0 times.” How can we possibly win a war when we refuse to name the enemy? It is the height of naiveté and stupidity not to identify those who announce they want to destroy us, our institutions, and our way of life.
It is harder to fight stupidity than it is to fight terrorists.
Diana West gave an interesting speech, “Possessing Freedom is Not Enough – We Must Exercise Our Freedom to Preserve it.” She spoke of the “effect of Islam on speech in America” and how Americans have come to censor themselves. She gave the example of President Bush’s use of the word “crusade” after 9/11, a word that has come to mean “any moral fight for right” in English. Yet it was quickly withdrawn and “regretted” because it might “alienate” Muslims. This psychological victory certainly encouraged “the Organization of the Islamic Conference’s continuing efforts to outlaw all criticism of Islam.” In June 2011, the OIC changed its name to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. It consists of the 56 Muslim nations plus the Palestinians and is particularly active in the UN. It was the OIC that campaigned for UN Resolution 16/18 which seeks to criminalize any criticism of Islam which has the full support of the Obama Administration and was promoted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This is appeasing Islam. It has continued. The attack on the Taliban was originally called Operation Infinite Justice, but was changed to Operation Enduring Freedom because Muslims complained that only Allah dispenses infinite justice (obviously he does not dispense freedom!). Our media are so politically correct that they rarely mention Muslims, Islam, jihad or other appropriate words when reporting Muslim atrocities, refusing to recognize “the gross incompatibility of Islamic ideology with Western liberty.” They are so scared of “giving offense” so as “not to criticize Islam” that we seem to be conducting a “war against alienating Islam” - “fighting for Islam. It calls us to self-censorship, self-abnegation, self-extinguishment. It depends on and encourages our submission. This is the behavior of the dhimmi and the culture of dhimmitude.” As she said, “Honestly, I don’t think Americans realize they’re engaged in such a suicidal effort, which has even intensified under President Obama.” She does not think Americans have lost their will and would rally to such nonsense, but “we have lost our language to mobilize that will. And very few Americans seem to realize it.” She ended with “it’s not enough to possess freedoms. We must learn that it’s vital to exercise our freedoms if we want to have any hope of preserving them.” [Emphasis added.]
It’s not enough to possess freedoms. We must learn that it’s vital to exercise our freedoms if we want to have any hope of preserving them.
- Diana West
We have fallen into the trap of George Orwell’s 1984, words are used but often with opposite meanings. We use the term peace, but to Muslims that means when the whole world is Muslim. We are at war with terror; they are at war with infidels (that is all unbelievers including Muslims who are not good enough believers). We think free speech is free; they say it is but it cannot criticize anything in Islam. Their definition of religion is a complete ideology, combining mosque and state, as opposed to our definition of individual spiritual values and the separation of church and state. This constant ploy of Islam is a religion of peace, Islam is a religion just like others, Muslim organizations are just community groups, etc. is all part of a major psychological warfare plan of disinformation.
The president has said we need to be more tolerant, such as with the Ground Zero Mosque, even though 70% of Americans oppose it. Islamic countries have equal rights and vote in the UN but it is not right to say their form of government is as valid as ours. This “religion of peace” has killed 270,000,000 human beings. Islam and sharia enslave women, stone or kill them “to protect the male’s honor;” worship virginity via female genital mutilation; and kill those who do not believe in Islam, criticize Islam, or leave it. “Why should I tolerate a form of government, Sharia law, as it infiltrates us seeking to destroy our democracy? I say we should be extremely intolerant of the creeping Sharia influence.” This lady continued, “This is a clash – not of civilizations, because stoning women to death is clearly not in any way a civilized thing to do – but a clash between our freedoms and Sharia law.” She ended with “The free world needs to become completely intolerant of any religious intolerance.” We still have Muslim women trying to force employers to permit them to wear the hijab at work whether at Disney or an airline desk. The hijab is un-American and we do not need it! <
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.
- Thomas Mann
We have been tolerant of Islam for too long. There are rules of decency and human rights and we should not accept any violations. We need to stop being politically correct and permitting atrocities in the name of a phony “religion.” Examples of Muslim intolerance appear daily around the world. Whether it is rioting and murdering over cartoons, burning cities, burning churches, murdering people because of their religion, bombing and killing, or just complaining about some phony injustice, Muslim intolerance is unceasing. Ramadan is always a good excuse. In Indonesia, members of the Islamic Defenders Front destroyed a food stall operating during Ramadan and in another location arrested three men having lunch in a restaurant. Public Order Agency officers said, “We had to arrest them because they do not respect other Muslims who are fasting.”
Saudi Arabia threatened to expel non-Muslim expatriates who eat, drink, or smoke in public during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan in July 2013. "Non-Muslim residents in the kingdom must not eat or drink in public during Ramadan, in respect to the holiness of Ramadan and the feelingsof Muslims," [emphasis added] said an interior ministry statement published by the official SPA news agency. Foreigners caught breaking the fast in public "will be subject to deterrent measures that include terminating their employment contracts and expelling them from the kingdom," the ministry said. It added that "companies, corporations and individuals are required to inform their employees" of the rules. The point to remember of course is that when in Muslim countries, non-Muslims should conform their behavior to Muslim sensibilities. But, arrogantly, also in non-Muslim countries, non-Muslims should conform their behavior to Muslim sensibilities. Reread that carefully; this is the double standard and it is basic to Islam.
Muslims want respect but they do not respect others, since everyone else is a kafir and worthless. Obama adviser Dalia Mogahed, who is also the “Executive Director of the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center (ADGC) for Muslim Studies,” [Is that a conflict of interest?] in a Gallup survey, evidently with John Esposito (an apologist for Islam), called for respect for Islam. Supposedly 72% of Muslims meant by that: “not desecrating the Quran or Islam’s religious symbols.” Of course, that would mean curtailing freedom of speech and basically adopting sharia. As usual it is the “responsibility of the West to mend fences with Muslims. There is no hint of any possibility that Muslims might need to adjust their behavior in any way.” It is all our fault!
Pamela Geller described it:
*Islamic terror? Respect it, Islamophobes!
*Clitorectomies? Respect them!
*Honor Killings? Respect them!
*Persecution of Christians, Jews, Hindus, non-Muslims? Respect it!
*Desecration of non-Muslim holy sites? Respect it!
*Islamic supremacism? Respect it!
*Lack of candor and criticism of Islam? Respect it!
*Homicide bombers? Respect them!
*Jihad? Respect it!
*Jew-hatred? Respect it!
*Women as chattel? Respect it!
*Burka? Respect it!
Muslims may want respect but they go into childish tantrums over the slightest action which bruises their fragile egos (or they feign it well for the effect they want!). Perhaps we should call this The Cult of Perpetual Outrage!Credit probably belongs to Brooks William Kelley, author of The Martyr’s Prize, for the term “The Religion of Perpetual Outrage.” “The fact that The Religion of Perpetual Outrage claimed immunity and minority status gave them immunity, at least as far as the major media and various government bodies were concerned.” The book also described that the objective of jihad is to make life impossible for non-Muslims so that they are in constant fear for their lives unless they submit to Islam – “A jihad that could never be defeated because it would be all encompassing; everywhere at once. No focal point to attack with Western military might. Immune, because the West would never engage in genocide; would never outlaw a religion; would never take the steps necessary to defeat such an ideology.”
We tend to think that the Muslim overreaction to cartoons, etc. is childish, but it is actually brilliant psychological warfareto motivate the masses. Citizen Warrior wrote an outstanding description of Islam called “The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam.” He asked why millions of Muslims were dedicated to killing Americans and others. He then went through the doctrine of Islam and developed 26 key components of the “idea-collection” known as Islam. Some of them are:
*War as an Approved Tactic
*Never Relinquish Lands Once Conquered
*Polygamy to Ensure a Never-Ending Supply of Soldiers
*Don’t Criticize or Leave Islam
*The Way to Paradise in Arabic
*Praying & Praying
*A Woman’s Plight
*Allah as Editor
*Violence Supersedes Tolerance
*No Right and Wrong, Just “Allowed” and “Dis-Allowed”
*Subjugation of the “Infidel”
*Double Standards…One for me, None for you.
He ends with Islam’s “Success” is a Threat to Global Freedom and Mutuality – The Missing Link.
This is such a brilliant exposé of Islam that Citizen Warrior graciously granted my request to print it in full in my book Death by a Thousand Cuts. I urge you to read it in its entirety.
What we have found, but refuse to recognize, is that Muslims are the real “unmeltable ethnics” who will not assimilate. The fact is that “there is no society that has received large numbers of Muslims that has not soon been confronted by an Islamic defiance of existing societal norms.” “Muslims will not be ‘melted’.”
Various cases of American military men killing their fellow soldiers raised the ugly question of Muslim disloyalty in America. We had Hasan Akbar murdering US soldiers in Kuwait, Nidal Hasan murdering 13 soldiers at Fort Hood, and then Nasser Abdo who was captured before he killed more soldiers at Fort Hood and shouted “Nidal Hasan, Fort Hood, 2009” as he was led from a courtroom. The problem comes from the Qur’an which directs that “Muslims shouldn’t kill Muslims” and that “true Muslims do not befriend non-Muslims.” This mandate to be loyal to Muslims and Islam and disloyal to non-Muslims results in these people considering themselves Muslim first and American second – totally unacceptable. This is loyalty in a tribal sense, from the Arab tribal loyalty to the umma, whereby Islam is a “super tribe” above race, nationality, and language.
US Muslim jurists have announced that “It is forbidden to work for the FBI or for U.S. security services because these harm Muslims.” The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America issued a fatwa: it is “not permissible” for US Muslims to send aid, even food, to US troops in Muslim countries. But why are most examples limited to the military? Raymond Ibrahim answered it clearly: “Simple: Islam is primarily concerned with actual deeds; and the military is one of those rare institutions that requires people to demonstrate their loyalty through action.” US terrorist Tarik Shah said, “I could be joking and smiling [with infields] and then cutting their throats in the next second.” We have seen this repeatedly in Afghanistan where police or soldiers have murdered US and NATO soldiers. The ramification of this is not the 0.1% of US Muslims ever in the military, but Muslims in positions of authority in our government agencies, the Congress, or the White House. Remember Taqiyya!
Attorney General Eric Holder remarked that the threat of American citizens becoming radicalized and taking up arms against the US is real, and he had confidence in our counter-terrorism efforts, but the bad news is that “The terrorists only have to be successful once.” To argue “that most American Muslims are moderate, and only a few are radical,” does not help our security. It only took 19 for 9/11. “According to Holder, in the last two years, 50 of the 126 people charged with terrorism were U.S. citizens.” If you understand Islam, you know that the ideology “allows for absolutely no national allegiance.” Robert Mueller, as he was retiring from head of the FBI, said they "are concerned" and "are monitoring" a flow of American fighters into the civil war in Syria. "[When] you have individuals who are traveling to those venues you are concerned about, No. 1, about the associations they will make and, secondly the expertise they will develop and whether or not they will utilize those associations, utilize that expertise, to undertake an attack upon the homeland."
Radical Islamism has come to mock the very principle of nationality and citizenship.
- Fouad Ajami
So we should ask, “if American Muslims, who enjoy Western benefits…are still being radicalized, why then do we insist that importing these same benefits to the Muslim world will eliminate its even more ingrained form of ‘radicalization’?” Raymond Ibrahim ended with, “America needs to rethink its strategy for the war on terrorism – both at home and abroad. Domestically, this means cracking down without compunction on anything that smacks of Islamist activity, without fear of being ‘politically incorrect;’ it means better monitoring of jihadist websites which play a major role in radicalizing American Muslims, such as Inspire magazine(which was started by a North Carolina Muslim); and it means exercising prudence when granting visas to people from dubious backgrounds. [Think about the Tsarnaev family and the Boston Marathon murders.] Internationally, it means understanding that the one solution to war promoted by most Western politicians – spreading Western values and ways of governance – is no solution at all.”
A former Muslim wrote, “I left Islam when I understood Islam is a sick and evil religion.” One interesting comment was “the greatest strength of Muslims is that they do not read any site or books that talk against Islam.” He asked, “Who will tell you the truth about Islam?” Muslims, No. “Muslims cannot even see the evil in Islam. The West? The gullible West has no clue.” His answer – only ex-Muslims. “Muslims believe Islam will rule the world, very soon.” He added, “The constitution for the new Islamic Republic of EU and USA is under construction. Welcome to 21st Century Islamic Warfare.” He wrote a list of items “Muslims are able to say with complete confidence:
*American laws will protect us.
*Democrats and Leftist will support us.
*The UNO will legitimize us.
*CAIR and MAB will incubate us.
*The ACLU will support us.
*Western Universities will educate us.
*Mosques in the West will shelter us.
*OPEC will finance us.
*Moderate Muslims will fertilize us.
*Hollywood will love us.
*Koffi Annan [then UN chief] will publish the politically correct sympathetic statements for Jihadists.
*We will use your (West) welfare system.
*We will take advantage of American kindness, gullibility, and compassion.
*When time comes, we will stab America in the back as we did on 9/11 and 7/7, the Islamic way.
*We will say one thing on the camera (Islam is the religion of peace) and teach another thing (Quran 8:12 Terrorize and behead the infidels wherever you find them) to our children at home.
*We will teach our children Islamic supremacy from their earliest childhood.
*We will take over Europe first and then the U.S. will be the next.
*We already have a solid ground in the UK, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, and now in the U.S.
Message to the West: until the West identifies, names, and warns the public who the real enemy is, the West won’t have a chance to win this war. The real enemy is “Islam.”
- Abdul Rahman
Abdul Rahman wrote keep your nukes and tanks, Muslims will build their military “by producing more babies.” “We will use your (Western) values of kindness against you.” No major media reproduced the Muhammad cartoons because they were afraid. “We now have unwritten partial Sharia laws in practice in the USA.” As for the current discussions about sharia, “Using the Western legal system we will assert our Sharia Laws, slowly but surely.”
His message is that “until the West identifies, names, and warns the public who the real enemy is, the West won’t have a chance to win this war. The real enemy is ‘Islam.’” As long as government leaders “keep saying in public the blatant lie that ‘Islam is a religion of peace,’ - we run the risk of losing our freedom.”
While it’s true that jihadists don’t represent most Muslims, they do represent Islam.
Bosch Fawstin is a writer and cartoonist who calls himself “a recovering Muslim.” He wrote an article about non-Muslim Muslims and stated most Muslims “truly don’t care about Islam,” and because of “their silence and inaction against jihad that they’re not on our side either.” He made an important observation “that Western analysts of Islam who are the most informed about Islam are also most critical of it, while those least informed are least critical.” Also, “While it’s true that jihadists don’t represent most Muslims, they do represent Islam.” He claims that our problem is not “Islamophobia,” but “Islamophilia” – a scandal of “uncritical, uninformed, absolute defense of Islam by Western elites.” He ended with “This is war.”
Our problem is not “Islamophobia,” but “Islamophilia” – a scandal of uncritical, uninformed, absolute defense of Islam by Western elites.
We constantly hear about “moderate” Muslims. As Ibn Warraq said, “There are moderate Muslims. Islam itself is not moderate.” Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan replied rather brusquely to a question about “moderate Islam,” “These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.” Erdogan is leading the re-Islamization of Turkey overturning the secularization accomplished by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. [Sadly (or naively), Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised Turkey as “a democratic country with a secular constitution” during her visit to Ankara in March 2011.] What these people are saying is that “there is no difference between Islam and Islamism.” As Hugh Fitzgerald wrote, “The point is this: Islam really is a dangerous ideology.”
The point is this: Islam really is a dangerous ideology.
- Hugh Fitzgerald
We see how Erdoganis reversing the secularization of Turkey with marginalization of the military and with the arrest of more generals. A former military chief of staff received a life sentence, three members of Parliament were given long terms, and at least 20 journalists were also sentenced. After his election to a third term in 2011, Erdogan has “used the mandate to pursue an authoritarian agenda.” “This moral micromanagement of people’s private lives comes amidst an increasingly strident government assault on political and civil liberties. Turkey’s record on journalistic and artistic freedoms is abysmal; right of assembly and protest are also increasingly restricted.” He is even trying to change the government to a presidential system so he can continue his control. Erdogan is “restricting access to secular schools to the benefit of Hatip Imam, Islamic schools that focus on Qur’anic studies…. To erase the country’s secularist past.” There was even talk of trying to convert the Hagia Sophia museum, a major Christian symbol, back into a mosque. Erdogan went so far as to claim Israel was behind the coup in Egypt and harassing Obama that a limited attack on Syria would be inadequate. He needed “to topple Bashar al-Assad’s regime.” Another case of a country trying to suck us into war to further their interests!
This is in line with the pronouncements of Yusuf al-Qaradawi, “the leading Egyptian cleric,” “the spiritual guide of the Muslim Brotherhood,” “one of the most influential scholars in Islam,” “the most well-known legal authority in the whole Muslim world today.” In addition to urging “Muslims to kill the Jews” on Al Jazeera and saying “No peace can be made between us (Muslims) and the non-believers. This what our holy book says. This what Allah says,” he wrote, “Secularism can never enjoy a general acceptance in an Islamic society.” According to Qaradawi, Islam and secularism cannot coexist.
As Islam is a comprehensive system of worship (Ibadah) and legislation (Shari’ah), the acceptance of secularism means abandonment of Shari’ah, a denial of the divine guidance and a rejection of Allah’s injunctions. It is indeed a false claim that Shari’ah is not proper to the requirements of the present age. The acceptance of a legislation formulated by humans means a preference of the humans’ limited knowledge and experiences to the divine guidance: “Say! Do you know better than Allah?” (Qur’an 2:140) For this reason, the call for secularism among Muslims is atheism and a rejection of Islam. Its acceptance as a basis for rule in place of Shari’ah is downright apostasy. [Emphasis added]
There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.
- Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Muslims often criticize non-Muslims for cherry-picking harsh verses from the Qur’an. The sad part is that Muslims who want to be considered “moderate” do the real cherry-picking. They delude themselves by relying on the more moderate verses from the Mecca Qur’an conveniently ignoring the real Islam which Muhammad revealed in Medina. They like the parts where Muhammad was kind to Jews and Christians in Mecca as People of the Book when he was trying to persuade them to accept him as a prophet, but forget his killing of Jews and Christians in Medina. They forget or overlook that as Muhammad lay dying with his head in Aisha’s lap, his final words were to rid Arabia of Jews and Christians. They like the verses about compassion, kindness, and doing good but overlook the subjugation of women, female genital mutilation, honor killing, jihad, sharia, and the objective to rule the world. These so-called “moderates” are not slaves to Allah, they are unthinking slaves to the cult of Muhammad, certainly one of the more interesting figures in history, if he really did exist.
The result [of the rigidity of Islam] is a climate of intolerance that inhibits the development of the Muslim world to this day.
Problem: The Muslim mind has been closed for over a thousand years. Without a sense of initiative, innovation, risk, responsibility, and reward, people are mental slaves. Muhammad (or the people who created Islam) designed it that way; all dictators want order and obedience. Muhammadism is based on the likes and dislikes of one illiterate Arab [or a succession of politicians]. Actually, he would be the most brilliant illiterate in history. He has over 1.6 billion minds in the chains of his cult who slavishly follow his every utterance and consider him the model of the perfect man.
He has millions memorizing a book which in its original form was a great epic story, but when Caliph Uthman [or others] got finished with it, it was a discombobulated, incoherent collection of unrelated parts. It is considered the word of Allah and cannot be changed or critically examined and the book itself, even though it has grammatical mistakes and parts that no one has ever understood, and even the paper any copy is written on, is revered and demands very special handling. That is cultish.
Some think Jews are arrogant, many think Americans are arrogant, but the most arrogant is the cult of Muhammad – deification of an illiterate person [or a myth] from a backward corner of the world with no books and a poor language who proclaimed he was the last prophet and his was the last religion and that there could be no other prophet or religion. “Every Prophet was sent to his nation but only I have been sent to all mankind.” On top of that, he proclaimed that everything before him – scriptures, prophets, history, and art – was irrelevant and of no consequence and worse, it should be destroyed. History starts with Muhammad but history stopped in the 7th century. All before was ignorance (jahiliyyah); all since has no thinking, only total obedience. The Muslim mind was closed and there is only one basic criterion; does an action advance Islam or not? InshAllah! Allah knows best; he decides everything, he is not to be questioned, and his decisions cannot be appealed. This fatalism basically wipes out knowledge and initiative. Allah does not remotely resemble the merciful god of other religions.
Allah actually appears to be a figment of Muhammad’s creative imagination.
The Sacred Law is not the law of Allah; it is the Sacred Law of Muhammad. Throughout the Qur’an, it is “Allah and his Messenger,” but sometimes, it is just the Messenger. It is important to point out from a current highly regarded Islamic text: Allah sent Muhammad, “The Qurayshite unlettered prophet, to deliver His inspired message to the entire world, Arabs and non-Arabs, jinn and mankind, superseding and abrogating all previous religious systems with the Prophet’s Sacred Law, except for the provisions of them that the new revelation explicitly reconfirmed. Allah has favored him above all the other prophets and made him the highest of mankind, rejecting anyone’s attesting to the divine oneness by saying ‘There is no god but Allah,’ unless they also attest to the Prophet by saying ‘Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.’ He has obliged men and jinn to believe everything the Prophet has informed us concerning this world and the next, and does not accept anyone’s faith unless they believe in what he has told us will happen after death.” [Emphasis added]
Sadly it appears that a large percentage of Muslims are ignorant of the real tenets of their so-called religion, either innocently or through intimidation by the harsh treatment of any dissent within the cult. Their ignorance is exploited by imams, most of whom do understand the cult, and can lead the sheep. Average Muslims may or may not support the legacy of Muhammad – the concept of Dar al-Harb (Land of War) and Dar al-Islam (Land of Submission [Peace by Islamic definition]), the whole world divided between us and them, Muslims and non-Muslims (infidels). But they dare speak out against it only at their own risk. The cult of Muhammad established double standards: one set of rules and ethics for Muslims and another set completely different and intolerant for all non-Muslims (non-believers). A Muslim should treat a fellow Muslim well, but a Muslim should kill a non-Muslim.
The cult of Muhammad established double standards: one set of rules and ethics for Muslims and a completely different set for kafirs (non-Muslims).
The problem with the quixotic Dar al-Islam is that there are different Islams. In addition to Sunnis and Shiites, there are Ismailis, Sufis, Alawites, and many other sects. The Sunni-Shiite divide is bitter at times and is raging again in Syria and Iraq. Saudis call all Shiites “infidels” which is part of the centuries old Arab-Persian rivalry, very current in the leadership struggle for control of the Persian Gulf (and oil). Sunni Islam has always been a march toward Arab supremacism and that collides with the Persian supremacists. They are rivals; they have the same goals but differ on who should be the leaders. That does not mean they cannot work together against a common enemy – the US – as Shiite Iran cooperates with Sunni al Qaeda in Afghanistan to kill American and NATO troops. Islam is interpreted differently in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, but they still kill Christians and drive to dominate. The large state of Nigeria is divided with a Muslim majority in the north where Boko Haram [roughly translated as “Western education is sin”] regularly attacks and kills Christians and burns their churches and is seeking to eliminate Christianity in northern Nigeria. Islam has never been able to unify politically and any further world gains would almost assuredly be met with intra-Islamic competition for power. Thus the myth of the Land of Islam dominating the whole world and the Islamic definition of peace is a bad joke on millions of innocent people.
The myth of the Land of Islam dominating the whole world and the Islamic definition of peace is a bad joke on millions of innocent people.
In World War III, the Cold War against expansionist Communism, the defeatists or cowards called for “Better Red than Dead.” New age folks who might not want to take a stand might call for “Better Muslim than Dead.” NO! This messianic cult that wants to dominate the world and all people in it can be stopped. We have already seen the beginnings of a backlash in Europe where various governments have tired of Muslim non-assimilation and have tightened immigration policy. The English Defence League, which is anti-Muslim and anti-Sharia, is an example of backlash in England. It formed after Muslims attacked a parade of British troops returning from Afghanistan. Even though it grew from the rather rough football (soccer) crowd, it is indicative of the growing dissatisfaction with Muslim immigrants (from South Asia in England, from North Africa in most of Europe and Turks in Germany). Their Forums issued an interesting paper “If we don’t defeat Islam as an ideology it will exterminate us culturally and physically,” edited by Bamiyan, 2 January 2011. It opens with “Islam is an utterly ruthless totalitarian political system disguised as a religion. Islam will literally stop at nothing to achieve its objective of world domination, with all non-Muslims exterminated or enslaved.” It continued, “Consequently, the ideology of Islam MUST be defeated. It must be consigned to the dustbin of history along with those other vicious totalitarianisms – Nazism and Communism. The alternative is our extermination as a civilization, and the whole world being plunged into an endless theocratic Dark Age.” The paper lists a number of possible actions in this new cold war, this ideological war.
The only option for defeating Islam is to undermine it in the same way we undermined communism – by a slow process of ideological warfare.
We are dealing with ideologues in a war of ideasthat has gone on for decades already and likely will for decades more. The legitimacy of their aggressiveness comes from classical Islam, from the Trilogy (the Qur’an, the Hadith, and the Sira). The system needs to be brought into the modern world, but moderates and reformers in the Muslim world are largely marginalized. What makes the changing of beliefs of Muslims difficult or almost impossible is “the fact that there is no culture of dissent or free thought, or a tradition of uninhibited exchange of ideas as in the West.” Compounding this potentially traumatic belief change is the “whole culture of honor and shame: a change in beliefs would bring shame on their family, tribe, and religion.” Ibn Warraq concluded that “we cannot hope to reform Islam without attacking the fundamental tenets of Islam adhered to by Muslims of all colors and stripes, not just Islamists. We shall never make progress until we subject the Koran to the kind of analysis and criticism that was applied to the Bible.” In Part 2, he wrote, “The West is still consumed with post-colonial guilt, is hampered by political correctness, and wishful thinking.”
The additional problem for any potential reform of Islam is that there is no central authority; it is an ideology with no command center that can issue authoritative interpretations or changes. Innumerable sheikhs, muftis, ayatollahs, and imams pronounce their own views plus there are the four major schools of Sunni jurisprudence plus several Shiite. Islam has been divided since the death of Muhammad and there is no likelihood it will ever be united.
Although we had a false sense of calm for a few years after World War I and then the distractions of World War II followed by the Communist War, World War III, we have been at war with Islam for over 30 years. There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the world now and the number is growing rapidly. But the numbers are irrelevant. It only takes one million, or 100 thousand, or 10 thousand or less to run a revolution. The rest either quietly support or are too intimidated to act. Dalia Mogahed, on President Obama’s faith advisory council (as well with the Department of Homeland Security), led a survey where she was the executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. That “survey concluded that only 7 percent of the world’s Muslims are political radicals and the majority support democracy.” Was she trying to kid us with percentages? With that seemingly innocent statement, she is saying there are 113 million radicals available for mischief. Remembering that most people are not politically active, that is an enormous number.
So is there a threat of Islam to America? Is there something we should really be worried about? Let’s start with seven concerns Citizen Warrior listed. First was actual terrorism, which we have seen plenty of and it continues. Second was Islamic indoctrination of our young people. There have been Muslim efforts to slant textbooks to hide some of the bad side of Islam and to distort US history such that our youth are not really knowledgeable about their own country. Foreign money has been used to buy Middle East Studies centers at some of our top universities so that our students receive a biased view of Islam. Third is the biased influence the Muslim Brotherhood and its fronts have on the mainstream media. The theme is Islam is a religion of peace and most Muslims are just normal citizens who are unfairly criticized. He wrote of this infiltration, “Right under the noses of the brainwashed non-Muslims, and often with their help, Muslims with a political agenda are working their way into government positions, getting hired in national security positions, wielding influence over law-enforcement officials, and even advising presidents.” [A few current examples are Dalia Mogahed in the White House, Huma Abedin who advised Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Jameel Jaffer heading the ACLU’s Center for Democracy.] Fourth was their influence over Hollywood movies which adds to the indoctrination of the news media and textbooks. The Crusades are depicted as “unwarranted aggression” and “terrorists” must be depicted as anything but Islamic even though “most of the world’s violence involves Muslims.” Fifth is Eurabia or the Islamization of Europe. “What will happen to the world if Europe becomes a union of Muslim countries?” Sixth is the “great numbers of non-Muslims in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the UK, European countries, and India who are actually helping orthodox Muslims carry out their political plans, and fighting against those of us who know Islam’s prime directive and wish to curtail it.” It is not just ignorance, but the “Islam” they understand is “misleading and outright false information, deliberately planted there by orthodox Muslims.” Finally, seventh is fear that we will not educate enough people before it is too late. It is a race against time while we are still the majority in the world. Turkey is sliding back to orthodox Islam reversing the great improvements made by Kemal Ataturk. Lebanon, Malaysia, and Indonesia have all converted. With the Jasmine Revolution and the Arab Winter, we do not know how these countries are going but elections were won by Islamists in Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt. Historically, only Spain and Eastern Europe escaped from the relentless march of Islam. Iraq and Afghanistan both have sharia written into their constitutions. [Egypt had sharia in its previous constitution and was included in the new constitution and is unlikely to be removed in the next constitution after the people’s revolt and the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi.] It is a race against time.
Tolerance of the intolerant is cultural suicide.
The threat from Islam is very real because, despite all the nice words from apologists and so-called “moderate” Muslims, Islam is still a warlike, intolerant, expansionist, dictatorial, all-encompassing cult. We do ourselves a great disservice by permitting Islam to be considered a religion when it is truly an imperialistic, arrogant, aggressive, totalitarian ideology hiding behind the façade of religion with the intent to impose itself and sharia on the entire world.
As John Guandolo ended his articles on The Muslim Brotherhood in America, “The MB Settled in America to subordinate the Constitution to Shariah. The ‘Process’ by which they did it is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process.’ Their methodology is to subvert the primary/foundational institutions in our nation and co-opt our leadership. At a quick glance it appears the score at halftime of this football game is 200-0 in their favor. Time for us to take off the baseball uniforms and engage the MB on the football field.”
Pamela Geller wrote a book, STOP THE ISLAMIZATION OF AMERICA A Practical Guide to the Resistance. It is a guide “to stopping the spread of Sharia and Islamic supremacism in America” (Dr. Wafa Sultan) and “a democratic defense to fight the stealth jihadist threat against civilization.” (Bat Ye’or)
A reader of Citizen Warrior wrote a fascinating piece called “An Unusual Birthday Party.” It is set in Mecca in 2090 with a photo of the Kaaba with tourists around it in casual clothes and the narrator is 90 years old and is the historian and museum curator at the ancient sacred mosque which was now a museum. He tells the young kids about the odd things in the history like suicide bombings, sharia, and beheadings and the “children laughed uproariously.” He pointed out a document in a locked case: “a piece of paper saved the world.” “A brave move by the United States that officially reclassified Islam as a political organization, and no longer a religion, had a snowball effect. Europe followed suit, and within a space of five years all non-Muslim countries had reclassified Islam as a political organization, like the old communism. They arrested those same imams for sedition and stopped funding their organizations.” Oil was unknown to the kids and it was now “Tourist Mecca” and “Noone followed Islam any more. In fact, the Koran had even gone out of print. It was such a boring thing to read!” They popped the champagne for the old man and asked him to make a wish. His secret wish was “that the world will never be pulled into any ‘black-hole’ of fascism, ever again. The End”
The key in that story is the reclassifying of Islam from a religion to a political ideology. We will not win the war against Islam until that is done. Recall that the relentless march of Islam has been stopped only twice: Spain and Eastern Europe. In Spain, it was “convert or leave.” The West does not need to demand “convert or die” or “convert or leave.” But since Islam is antithetical to democracy and incompatible with civilized life, the West needs to demand “Renounce Islam or leave.”
With their refusal to assimilate or to be loyal to any country, their rejection of secularism, their overt, or silent acquiescence to, support of jihad and the imposition of sharia, their adherence to the principle of Islamic supremacy, their total refusal to accept the rights of non-believers, and their disregard for the rights of women, Islam is a Fifth Column in any country where it is located since their goal is to change the government and impose sharia.
Muslims have no right to force their views on those who do not want them; that is aggression and must be fought.
It is really irrelevant whether Muhammad was the greatest or not so great or even if he really existed. It is also irrelevant whether Islam is the perfect religion or whatever. Muslims have no right to force their views on those who do not want them; that is aggression and must be fought. We have no desire to submit to a false religious cult and a seventh century totalitarian ideology. On the contrary, we should feel obligated to liberate Muslims from the chains that have imprisoned them mentally and physically.
Throw off the chains on your minds.
Set your people, including women, free.
Join the world.
Use your minds for the progress of mankind.
Get out of Qom and Al-Azhar and do some real creative thinking!
We must stop tolerating the intolerable! Our continued tolerance of Muslim intolerance, our political correctness, our desire to get along, our apologists for Muslim unacceptable actions, our continued concessions to Muslim demands, along with our fiscal irresponsibility and other threats all lead to the slow death of our civilization by a thousand cuts.
Wake up America or you will lose this war and the America we know and love.
1. Katherine Weber, “Christian Students Executed by Boko Haram in Nigeria: Believers Pray for ‘Change of Heart,’” Christian Post, 3 October 2012.
2. Thanks to Bill Warner,, 5 January 2012.
3. “Islam is a Government Dictatorship Housed in Religion,”, 3 September 2010.
4. “Lessons on Jihad From the Movie, ‘What About Bob,’” Citizen Warrior, 29 July 2011.
5. “Afghan senators want ‘friendship’ axed from France pact,” AFP, 2 October 2012.
6. “Lessons on Jihad From the Movie, ‘What About Bob,’” Citizen Warrior, 29 July 2011. For a thorough analysis of “stealth jihad” or “civilization jihad,” see “Shariah: The Threat to America,” The Center for Security Policy, 2010. It has also been published as a book.
7. “A New Era in Muslim-Non-Muslim Relations,” Citizen Warrior, 11 September 2010. For details on the Freedom Pledge sent out by Former Muslims United to 163 American Muslim leaders at 50 organizations, such as Nihad Awad of CAIR, and “Declaration of Beliefs of Muslim Moderates” circulated by Dr. Tawfik Hamid, see “Test for Defining ‘Moderate:’ What parts of Islamic doctrine should Muslim reject if they wish to live in free countries?” Defeat the Third Jihad, 15 July 2010 and “Is Your Local Mosque ‘Moderate’ or ‘Radical’?”
8. Bill Warner, Mohamed and the Unbelievers: The Sira, a Political Biography, (CSPI Publishing, 2006), pp. 160-161, hereafter The Sira.
9. Dr. Peter Hammond, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical roots and Contemporary Threat; for a summary, see Richard Hobbs, Death by a Thousand Cuts, (Sparks, Nevada, ColDoc Publishing, 2012), pp. 114-116.
10. Nicolai Sennels, “Research: 10 percent for sharia can change a country into sharia state,” Jihad Watch, 25 August 2011.
11. Bill Warner, “The Annihilation of Civilizations,” 8 August 2011. Bill Warner is the Director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam, Permalink /blog/the-annihilation-of-civilizations/copyright © CBSX, LLC,
12. Quotes are from William Manchester’s biography William Spencer Churchill Alone quoted in “Mohammed – Déjà Vu,” Political Islam, News and Comments, 20 October 2011.
13. Herb Denenberg, “US Sleeps While Society, Values Get Undermined By Stealth Jihad,” The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 10 April 2009. He was referring to an article by Andrew C. McCarthy titled "Beyond Terrorism: The Islamic Threat Is Worse Than You Think."
14. Ibid.
15. Ibn Warraq: Westminster Institute Conference (Part 1), Jihad Watch, 20 June 2011.
16. Speech at the International Free Press Society held in Denmark’s parliament in Copenhagen, 9 October 2010. For additional information on the OIC, see “’No such thing as Islamic terrorism,’ delegate tells UN confab on religious sensibilities,” UN Watch, 12 July 2013. It was Ambassador Ömür Orbun, the Permanent Representative of Turkey to the OSCE who said, “There is no such thing as Islamic terrorism.”
17. “We Need Less Tolerance, Not More,”, quoted in “The Value and Limits of Tolerance,” Citizen Warrior, 14 September 2010.
18. See Laura Bly, “Muslim hostess and Disney still at odds over headscarf,” USA Today, 13 September 2010. Disney offered her other positions but she refused them.
19. “Islamic Defenders Front Strike Again,” and “Three Arrested for Failing to Fast in Aceh,” Jakarta Globe, 8 August 2011, Jihad Watch, 9 August 2011.
20. "Saudi to expel foreigners disrespecting Ramadan," from AFP, July 9, 2013, Jihad Watch, 10 July 2013.
21. Habib Toumi, “Obama adviser says politics roused Muslim anger towards US,” Gulf News, 18 January 2011.
22. Megan Deterie, “Muslims tell West: ‘respect Islam,’” The National, 28 November 2010, Jihad Watch, 30 November 2010.
23. Quoted in Citizen Warrior, 27 May 2011.
24. Richard Hobbs, Death by a Thousand Cuts, Appendix B, pp. 207-220.
25. “Muslims will not be “Melted’,” Jihad Watch, 7 January 2011.
26. Warren Richey, “Accused Fort Hood plotter got bombmaking recipe from Al Qaeda,” Christian Science Monitor, 29 July 2011. The bomb making recipe was from Inspire magazine from Yemen – Anwar al-Awlaki (finally killed by a drone attack).
27. Raymond Ibrahim, “The Specter of Muslim Disloyalty in America,” Pajamas Media, 13 September 2010. Note that he mentioned Nasser Abdo in 2010 and that 24% of Americans think Obama is a clandestine Muslim!
28. Raymond Ibrahim, “Radical Muslims in America: All the Benefits and Still Turning to Jihad,” Hudson New York, 12 January 2011.
29. Pierre Thomas, Mike Levine & Jordyn Phelps, “FBI Director: Some U.S. citizens fighting in Syria, could pose future threat,” Power Players,, 23 August 2103.
30. Mark Steyn, America Alone, The End of the World as We Know It, (Washington, D. C., Regnery Publishing, 2006), p. 89.
31. Raymond Ibrahim, “Radical Muslims in America: All the Benefits and Still Turning to Jihad,” Hudson New York, 12 January 2011.
32. “Warning to the West,” posted by Citizen Warrior, 4 July 2011. Abdul Rahman is an alias since the penalty for leaving Islam is death. The ex-Muslims web sites are and
33. Bosch Fawstin, “Non-Muslim Muslims and the Jihad Against the West,” Bill Warner,
34. “Fitzgerald: Islam and Islamism, or ‘Leaving the West With No Solutions,’” Jihad Watch, 15 March 2010. This is an interesting article about Islam. Also, see the article by Joanne Hill, “In defence of Wafa Sultan,” 12 March 2010, in the comments. For an interesting argument over Islam versus Islamism, see Daniel Pipes, “Islam and its infidels,” Washington Times, 13 May 2013.
35. “Istanbul court issues arrest warrant for propaganda website generals,” Today’s Zaman, 8 August 2011, Jihad Watch.
36. Sebnem Arsu and Tim Arango, “Turkish Court Hands Down Prison Sentences in Coup Plot,” The New York Times, August 5, 2013.
37. Seyla Benhabib, “Turkey’s Authoritarian Turn,” New York Times, 3 June 2013.
38. “Turkish government promoting Islamic schools at expense of secular education,” Asia News, 24 August 2013.
39. “Hagia Sophis mosque conversion under fire,” Hürriyet Daily News, 5 September 2013, Jihad Watch.
40. “Turkish PM accuses Israel of orchestrating Egypt coup,” AGI, 20 August 2013.
41. Elad Bemari, “Erdogan: Syria Strike Should Topple Assad,” Israel National News, 31 August 2013.
42. “What Muslim Leaders Say About Islam Dispels the Myth that Jihadists are a ’Fringe’ Element,” Citizen Warrior, 1 October 2010.
43. For a very comprehensive analysis of whether or not Muhammad was a real person or a mythical composite, see Robert Spencer, Did Muhammad Exist? An Inquiry into Islam’s Obscure Origins, (Wilmington, Delaware, ISI Books, 2012).
44. Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, (Boston, Regina Orthodox Press, Inc., 2002), p. 199.
45. “Islam is a closed system of self-imposed isolation.” Rebecca Bynum, Allah Is Dead: Why Islam is Not a Religion, (Nashville, Tennessee, New England Review Press, 2011), p. 30.
46. Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, Reliance of the Traveller, A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, In Arabic with Facing English Text, Commentary and Appendices Edited and Translated by Nuh Ha Min Keller (Beltsville, Maryland, Amana Publications, 2008), v2.0, p. 822.
47. Stephen F. Hayes and Thomas Joscelyn, “The Hidden Hand: The Obama administration finally highlights Iran’s key role in supporting al Qaeda,” Weekly Standard, 15 August 2011.
48. “Muslim radicals kill ten Christians in Nigeria,” International Christian Concern, 8 August 2011, Jihad Watch, 9 August 2011.
49. Ibn Warrraq: Westminster Institute Conference (Part 4), Jihad Watch, 23 June 2011.
50. Aaron Klein, “Obama’s faith adviser helped craft ‘perfect Islamic state’: Shariah project scrubbed from Internet, sought to ‘implement’ Muslim caliphate,” WorldNetDaily, 17 April 2011, Jihad Watch, 18 April 2011.
51. “What Are You Worried About?” Citizen Warrior, 30 September 2010.
52. John Guandolo. “The Muslim Brotherhood in America: Part III: The Settlement Process,” Guns & Patriots, 29 March 2011.
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